
@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus and thus a heavy cloak of paranoia settles over the commentariat.
 "How do I know that YOU'RE not Lobsters? Maybe ALL OF YOU are Lobsters!"  *headbutts mirror, giggles maniacally at fractured, bloodstained reflection* "Maybe…maybe…I'M LOBSTERS!"  *logs out logs back in

@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus and thus a heavy cloak of paranoia settles over the commentariat.
 "How do I know that YOU'RE not Lobsters? Maybe ALL OF YOU are Lobsters!"  *headbutts mirror, giggles maniacally at fractured, bloodstained reflection* "Maybe…maybe…I'M LOBSTERS!"  *logs out logs back in

Agreed.  The big, nicely animated sprites on old 16 bit games look a lot better in the present day than giant, clunky polygons.  I remember having my mind blown by Final Fantasy VII but today the characters look like poorly done origami.

Agreed.  The big, nicely animated sprites on old 16 bit games look a lot better in the present day than giant, clunky polygons.  I remember having my mind blown by Final Fantasy VII but today the characters look like poorly done origami.

I sold my Sega Saturn to buy a PS one.  Wish I still had it.  Dragonforce and Nights into Dreams were great.

I sold my Sega Saturn to buy a PS one.  Wish I still had it.  Dragonforce and Nights into Dreams were great.

Well, somebody was going to do it.  Perhaps we should thank @avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus for taking on the burden of our collective guilt.

Well, somebody was going to do it.  Perhaps we should thank @avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus for taking on the burden of our collective guilt.

"Liam, you're an Irishman aren't you?  What's your take on the prospects for Paddy McGillicutyy,  the Limmerick Shaleighly's new center fullback?"

"Liam, you're an Irishman aren't you?  What's your take on the prospects for Paddy McGillicutyy,  the Limmerick Shaleighly's new center fullback?"

If Zac Efron does not accidentally crash his bike into a breakdancer at some point in this film I will be sorely disappointed.

If Zac Efron does not accidentally crash his bike into a breakdancer at some point in this film I will be sorely disappointed.

I'd prefer a dramatic retelling of the making of K-19: The Widowmaker.  Particularly the casting part.  Particularly the part where someone decided that Harrison "mumbles" Ford and Liam "peat bog paddy" Neeson were ideally suited to playing Russians.

I'd prefer a dramatic retelling of the making of K-19: The Widowmaker.  Particularly the casting part.  Particularly the part where someone decided that Harrison "mumbles" Ford and Liam "peat bog paddy" Neeson were ideally suited to playing Russians.

Aren't you just describing that "Ain't it Cool News" guy?

Aren't you just describing that "Ain't it Cool News" guy?

That photo looks like they are on their way to the hippie rave orgy that opened the second Matrix movie and let us all know straight out of the gate that we were in for a bad time.

That photo looks like they are on their way to the hippie rave orgy that opened the second Matrix movie and let us all know straight out of the gate that we were in for a bad time.

If he can't muster up a solid fifteen or so tracks about Idaho it's then he isn't really trying dammit!!

If he can't muster up a solid fifteen or so tracks about Idaho it's then he isn't really trying dammit!!