
The old man's boobs are the scariest thing in a movie that is chock full of moments of terror.

The old man's boobs are the scariest thing in a movie that is chock full of moments of terror.

Best: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Close second: Jaws. Worst: that one where Tom Hanks plays a Bulgarian guy stuck in an airport.

Best: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Close second: Jaws. Worst: that one where Tom Hanks plays a Bulgarian guy stuck in an airport.

Well, you're doing better than me what with my nasal tenor.

Well, you're doing better than me what with my nasal tenor.

Winky. Dinky. Dog.  Now there's a movie that could use a decades later sequel.

Winky. Dinky. Dog.  Now there's a movie that could use a decades later sequel.

I'm the opposite.  Always like the instrumental stuff and always thought he sounded like Jim Morrison on cough medicine.

I'm the opposite.  Always like the instrumental stuff and always thought he sounded like Jim Morrison on cough medicine.

Though I actually like Carlito's Way and IMDB tells me that was 1993.

Though I actually like Carlito's Way and IMDB tells me that was 1993.

Caught the Paul Schrader one that the studio buried on Netflix instant.  It…wasn't awful.  Far better than the Renny Harlin version they paved over it with.

Caught the Paul Schrader one that the studio buried on Netflix instant.  It…wasn't awful.  Far better than the Renny Harlin version they paved over it with.

I think Meg Ryan disappeared because she had too much plastic surgery and looks like a cat now. 

I think Meg Ryan disappeared because she had too much plastic surgery and looks like a cat now. 

Moonraker is fun in the way that all of the Roger Moore Bond movies are fun.  Y'know, stupid fun. It has evil Michael Lonsdale trying to decimate the earth with space spores (or something) and getting sucked out of an airlock for his efforts.

Moonraker is fun in the way that all of the Roger Moore Bond movies are fun.  Y'know, stupid fun. It has evil Michael Lonsdale trying to decimate the earth with space spores (or something) and getting sucked out of an airlock for his efforts.