
I don't find it plausible that the people at Jay's company would be so blatantly disrespectful to Claire. She'll be running the place in a few years, and if the writers wrote a little more carefully, the workers would be behaving differently. Maybe they'd still disrespect her, but certainly not to her face. Sorry,

"Doctor's only" Doctor IS only? Only what? So many questions!

Wouldn't a boxing trainer know the Queensberry rules, if not the name of the man that they were named after?

This review was better-written than the episode in question. Which is probably faint praise.

Ruben Blades is so good in this. Makes you wonder why you don't see him more.

He should be in more things.

Good. I've been rooting for him since I listened to the Maron interview

I like how you asked some of the questions that I had after reading his memoir. :)

Right? I'm a little surprised he even watched this.

You're right. They really are. I love how they recreated several moments that we now know well from the Pet Sounds Sessions box set.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice…you can't get fooled again.

Big Star tee shirt = good guy

I've got to stop talking to that kid when I'm drinking!

I thought it was more a young Scott Lucas from Local H.

How did Sammy survive the end of this episode?

Desi got taken. Kevin Shields doesn't use a bunch of effects pedals.

Your grammar errors though.

That was not a "random extra marshall."

Mary Steenburgen was amazing in this episode. Is there an Emmy nomination in the offing?

At the end of this, I thought, "If your husband makes your skin crawl, you should probably get a divorce."