
@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus , to be fair they might need subtitles if Capaldi decides to go full Glasgow with his accent.

I always like the dynamic of the Doctor and Rory with Rory being the older of the two with his 2,000 years of Auton memories. I wish they'd played about with that more than they had.

Remember, this was back in the 3rd Doctor era, when everyone was a lot more relaxed about these things.

I would love to see either Brass Eye or The Day Today get covered in TV Club Classic.

Isn't it mentioned in one episode that the Narn had telepaths at one point, but they were all killed off when the Shadows occupied their homeworld?

Was he not a radio Bond? I seem to recall several people saying he was the first actor to play the role, but if memory serves someone else beat him to it by a couple of months for a single story.


I just enjoy the fact that Vinnie Jones never played for Arsenal.

anyone allergic to bees?

I think the plan with the bees would be foiled by nabbing the culprit- Holmes does mention swiping the victim with an oil (can't remember what kind) to induce the bees to attack her en masse. Without that I would imagine she'd probably be safe, or at worst get stung by one that her epi pen could deal with.

@avclub-e305c4a87433ee66e142f67c450fdf6a:disqus Well. Shit. Guess it's back to the drawing board. Well. It would be if I actually had any plans to open a Star Wars themed eatery at any rate.

Admiral Snackbar's was always going to be the name I would use if I were opening a Star Wars themed eatery.

I really enjoyed that. Properly creepy in places, with a very strong feeling of classic Who.

Not the most laugh-heavy episodes ever, but I really enjoyed those. Looking forward to Cougar Town's return next year. Also, did anyone else notice that for the toast, sat around the campfire at the end, Bobby and Andy did the classic linking arms to drink thing? I thought that was a brilliant little gag slipped in at

Also, did you notice that the book the boy was reading was written by Amelia Williams?

I was hoping it was Sally Sparrow. I'd really like to see her return. Her and Mark Sheppard as Canton Everett Delaware III.

I also saw an interview with him where he said he wasn't going to go back because he absolutely fucking hated it. Something about not getting along with key members of the production staff and them making each others lives hell as a result.

I remember reading an interview with a director (I'm afraid I can't remember which one, sorry) where he was asked about casting British actors instead of American ones and his reasoning was that, by and large, British actors are trained as actors. They've done time at drama school, they've performed in theatres, they

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus That's exactly what I'm saying. In fact, I feel Dogwelder should get his own show. On HBO, with graphic scenes of dogwelding violence.

The gag that took me a second was that everyone was "Coach Surname" except Fat Neil, who was "Coach Neil". Subtle, but made me laugh.