
It was amazing. He was plumbing the depths of his mind and soul just to figure out if he was an ass or tits man.

I'm gonna hold out hope that Danny comes back. He was growing on me, too.

Rape or graphic violence? Which, when depicted, is more upsetting?

I have a troubled friend that spent a weekend in a mental hospital. She said it was indeed cripplingly sad and creepy as hell.

I remember this one, and the one with D'Onofrio. Both are harrowing episodes.

Well, I agree with you, Lincoln's Revenge. For what it's worth.

Sabrina Lloyd! I had a crush on her as a young'un. Not enough to watch the show regularly though.

This was definitely an A-. And I'll explain why. It's the (second) scene with tan suit and Hank in the elevator, where he talks about dumb criminals(Jay Leno loves that shit!)

Holy shit, his sister is played by his sister. I hope this show ends up better than Sliders did.

The Iron Man: Extremis was the most well-produced one of the motion comics. Voice acting was high quality, and the art was used to its best effect.


I like this show
because it makes me feel like I could write a TV show, too.

Welcome to the AV Club's comments section.

I meant to say Stan is a GREAT foil for Peggy.

Seriously, her hand on his bulge should have been the first move.

A little Danny Strong goes a long way. And Stan is a foil for Peggy.

More importantly, Rick Sanchez was fired from CNN after calling Jon Stewart and media elites that are of the same background as Stewart "bigots".

That laugh made me lol like a bastard. And Parnell's lines as discussed below.

Fuck you very much. I'm gonna go listen to Auto Tune the News to remind myself that YouTube isn't a level of hell.

Some loud fucker talking to his friend
in high school study hall spoiled the end of Seven for me. It's been 10 years and I'm not over it.