
Also the $3 umbrella from the drug store. Great use of Dr. Z.

And… they still don't give a crap about Asians or Latinos.

Yeah, she went from "character you love to hate" to "character you love to hate who actually can drive the plot in interesting, murdering directions."

Actually, if he wasn't headed to Parks and Rec, Adam Scott would probably be ideal. Kind of a reluctant boss, think Ryan-Temp-FireGuy from Season One with power, without becoming Ryan from Season 4.

Why does Weezer make me ashamed.. ASHAMED that I was a big fan of theirs?

Go easy, Rappin' Rabin will come down here and talk about the fact that he has a girlfriend! at length.

*adopts nasally Strawman Nerd voice*

Gah! You beat me to it.

I want a comparison of BoB, The Pacific, AND Generation Kill. NOW!

NPH won an Emmy three years in a row (this year for guest appearance).

Okay, you asked for it. I'm Modern Family! I have a bumbling father with an irritated wife and smartass kids! I have gay stereotypes, acting stereotypical! I have a Latina stereotype! You guys love the mockumentary style, right? Like The Office? I have that, too! It doesn't make sense like The Office(US)

Aaron Paul was great in Dragon Ball: the movie. As was James Marsden(Cyclops) as Piccolo.

I've watched a buttload of all three of these shows. TDS was consistently better than the other two this year. My heart says Conan, my gut says Colbert, but my brain says TDS.

Hugh Laurie deserved it years ago, but thankfully Bryan Cranston actually DOES deserve it. Dude is still mind-blowingly good, doing even better than when the show started out.

Who the hell thinks this show looks cheap? You can criticize this show for many things, but unless you only accept fake "Hollywood" versions of workplaces (NCIS: LA is probably the most egregious offender off the top of my head) this show's look is both lived-in AND striking. If you want a good example of a (good)

Boogie Nights 2: The Emboogening

My thought was "Forced Relaxation", but "a kid playing grown-up" is even better.

"Who claps for themselves?"

Ahh, Blockbuster. Great job, if it wasn't for the fucking customers.