Built For Greed

That "We Are The World" clip was tremendous. RIP, fella

Eh, fuck it, why not. At this point, all I expect out of an X-Men movie is an entertaining two hours that I can then immediately forget about until I buy the Blu-ray and watch it once.

It's been a busy time in the Greed household, and I don't have nearly as much time to catch new stuff as I used to (or post here as frequently), but I did get some stuff in this weekend.


U2's "Bad". Any version of it is good, even the original, though most people obviously prefer the Live Aid performance and the version from Wide Awake in America. However, the live version they used to play on MMR when I was growing up, which was recorded at the Meadowlands, just brings tears to my eyes; blows all the

This just made me miss Harry Kalas again. Goddamn it.

So I'm just watching this now a few years later on Netflix. I formerly couldn't stand this show, but it's so much better binging.

Perhaps your first mistake was thinking Thor: The Dark World was awesome.

🎶When your realm looks kinda weird and you wish Targaryens weren't theeey-ere…🎶

The Perks of Being An AARP Member
Die Flaccid
The Avengers: Age of Retirement

"You handle the Great Job, Internet! I'm gonna write this new A History of Violence feature."

Kirk. It was my answer back when I first had this argument in 3rd grade in 1990, it's my answer now. Same goes for the state capital of South Dakota being Pierre. Of course you'd have to be my then-geography class rival Thomas Marinelli to get that reference…and if any of you are Thomas, then I was right and you're

Comic-Con, it's like I don't even know you anymore.

I still don't get what everyone's problem is with Wesley. Sure, he could be annoying, but he was a good kid.

It's definitely not Raiders, but I think it matches up with the first Mad Max nicely.

Unbearable? Roy Chiao was in those scenes, that man has the voice of an angry thunder god!

You're the vulgarian, you fuck!

"Nyew par Rush-ki?"

Whenever Peter refers to Walter as "Dad", you better watch the fuck out.

Are chat rooms still even a thing?