Built For Greed

He will never make any money whatsoever.

I should've filled you in on The Pirates of Penzance!

"Anthony, I knew Iggy Pop; I worked with Iggy Pop; and you, sir, are no—actually, yes, you're exactly like Iggy Pop and that is why I will not work with you. Why the fuck would I want to work with four Iggy Pops?"

It's never been tested!

George Lucas would be so excited right now.

"My father didn't fight in the Clone Wars, he was a navigator on a space lorry!"

I've got a few, I can't decide.

Chris Carter may have created the show, but his episodes are usually the worst.

Dude. If Christian Bale thinks you're being too heavy-handed with a colleague, you need to reassess some shit.

Got a lot of streaming in this weekend, thanks to the blizzard. Caught up on a lot of stuff.

For me, the mystery was besides the point; the movie gave me what I was looking for. I wanted to see where the characters went in the intervening years. The actual cases stopped being the most interesting thing to me a long time ago. It's like Carter figured on making an interesting drama about a mature relationship,

Was just having this very discussion a few days back. I agree. Maybe not to the extent of quoting Goethe to prove my point, but I agree. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

YES!!!! Who?

Ugh. Worst part was each of them bitching about the picture quality for what seemed like a year.

Yeah, I'm not sure how you call the character of Silent Bob "loathsome". He doesn't do anything particularly heinous to merit being called loathsome, and he certainly doesn't say anything to merit it. Jay, I could see it, but I don't think of his character as "loathsome" so much as being completely unfiltered. I.E.,

Ha-ha, Burl, you're a real card!

I've never gotten the hate for the Eagles… maybe because they caught me early. In any case, no matter what you thought of his work, 67 is too young to die. RIP

Still with The Clone Wars. Finally got to the part where Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan land on Mortis and confront the Force Wielders. My family and I were mesmerized, the animation was so amazing and the story was a mind-blower. How did I never give this show a chance when it was on…?

Thank you! I rank it right up there with Ang Lee's Hulk in the list of movies that I can't believe people didn't think were good. I loved the idea that Scully and Mulder had found comfort with each other, more or less, when pretty much all other avenues had failed them. In the face of endlessly convoluted

This thing's choppy as shit. Keep Your Day Job, Internet!