Built For Greed

Eh, went and saw some space movie, nothing too exciting.

Boy, a lot of grousing here for what I thought was easily the best all-around episode of the season. Metaphorically speaking, they should dip that "Second Wife" sketch in bronze; the best sketch I've seen in probably close to a decade.

Replacements, Van Roth… and now the Davieseses. Surely we can solve the crisis in the Middle East sometime soon?

How get you so big eating food of this kind?

It's called the theater experience, it's what people used to do at the movies before we all retreated into our little bubbles. With a big rousing movie like Star Wars, it's not unreasonable to expect a lot of crowd reaction. Makes it more fun, to me.

Yessir, I can feel that "streaming" pouring down my back right now as they prepare to charge a premium rate of $1.79 for 40 - 50 year old songs.

Actually, Obi-Wan asked if it was a fast ship, to which Han made his famous reply. Referee is clearly incompetent, I am forwarding a complaint to the league office!

You got annoyed because people were clapping at Star Wars? Do you get mad that water is wet too?

I love these marathon breakdowns, they're always so vivid (particularly the odors, but i'll take the bad with the good). This should be a feature. What other pop culture marathons can we send this guy to?

That's the middle of the night where anybody lives, ba dum tss. The IMAX at the Franklin Institute here is running round the clock showings.

Agreed on the "Ben" thing. That caught my attention in the theater, and not in a good way. I'm thinking to myself, "why would Han and Leia name their kid after Obi-Wan?" But it could be as simple as them asking Luke for his opinion on a good name and him offering up "Ben", and they just liked the sound of it. Happens

1) Woke up at 2:30 AM
2) Saw the movie at 4 AM
3) Stayed up the rest of the day, descending into a sea of delirium

Random thoughts on the movie. I saw it at 4AM and I've been up since 2:30AM, please forgive me if I ramble:

Bring back Spoiler Space, why dontcha? I'm chomping at the bit here.

Okay, so just how stoned were you guys, exactly?

Nah, I got what you were saying, man, just needling you a little. It is very odd how fortunes reversed pretty quickly after that movie.

"Though Hanks isn’t nearly the box-office force today, the effect still lingers. [Saving Private Ryan] has a big cast of familiar faces, and Hanks is the only one who remains of similar stature almost 20 years later."

That's what sh—never mind.

Angela's Ashes. Feckin' gud book.

The people of Garlan were black, it's mentioned in one of the books. Also, in the Talisman sequel Black House the character of Parkus, a black man, is named as a gunslinger, so black folks exist at least in some capacity in Mid-World.