Built For Greed

Slander's spoken. In print, it's libel. (Thanks, J.K. Simmons in Spider-Man!)

TL,DR,DGAF: Too long, did read, don't give a fuck.

Finally, a hip hop track I can play for my "crazy cat lady" ass S.O.

With the kiddies out of the house for the weekend, it's catch-up time at the Greed household. So far this weekend:

Seriously. Let these fuckers listen to "Pipes of Peace" on a loop (as I did while working at a shitty health insurance telemarketing job, it was our preprogrammed hold music) and then get back to me on what bad McCartney is.

Not really, it's just a big building.

I… I wasn't in love with it. Oh God, what's wrong with me?!

Once I saw Daniel Craig and Jeremy Renner weren't an entry, I tuned out.

Jai Courtney: Because Sam Worthington wasn't quite boring enough.

Not a Dagobah I don't enjoy a good pun thread.

Nope. Still a bad idea. And again, not because ehrmagerd, ladyfolk!! but because, c'mon, freaking Ghostbusters.

Philadelphian and Marvel Experience attendee here. It was fun… when it worked, that is, which I would estimate was about 80% of the time. The little wrist tracker rarely synced up with what you were doing or seeing. It was okay; not worth fifty bucks, but okay.

Big, dumb, loud action movies were the name of the game this weekend, pretty much de rigueur for 4th of July weekends. The first three Lethal Weapons, The Rock, all about to be capped off with Terminator: Genisys this afternoon. I'm not necessarily looking forward to it, but as a longtime Terminator fan, I feel almost

I went too deep, I thought that was a reference to the Over The Top theme song. I keep a lot of crap in my head.

Been all about Miami Vice this weekend, since I found out it's leaving Netflix on July 1st. The first two seasons really are the greatest.

Honey: The kids.

Fucking nerds.
*continues scrolling down to find Star Wars comments*

Scarface. The score was everything it should've been: bombastic, tawdry, excessive, dramatic, and synth. In short, it embodied the '80s. It even sounded neon pink.

You win.

Well, this looks…like a thing that somebody spent money on.