Built For Greed

That's not even a WORD!

There it is.

Counterpoint: I think Che's improvised asides are the funniest bits on Update these days. I wish he'd do more of them, then casually piss on Jost's head after every one.

I thought she said "mostly gay", which I thought was hilariously absurd. But I guess "mostly Harry" makes just as much sense…

I'm convinced that if you don't like Cisco, you're a terrible person who hates joy.

I'm worried they brought Boone in to pull an Omar on Raylan, or more accurately, a Benny Blanco from the Bronx.

I get that it looks like Greedo, but if you've got the once in a lifetime opportunity to name a catfish, how do you not name it after Admiral Ackbar?

Eh, she says "reckon". If you're not a grizzled cowboy, a 19th-century prospector or a Kiwi, you've got no fucking business saying "reckon".

I just love the Shocked Italics™ from the reviewer over the idea. A white woman, indeed.

This whole place is the Onion.

Was she even nude in that, though? IIRC, she wasn't… I do remember she got down in Sea of Love, though.

Ooh, soory, we were looking for, "what is" I got paid 104,000 thousand dollars in 2014 by freelancing from home a­­n­­d I did that by
w­o­r­k­i­n­g part-time f­­o­­r several hours /day. I was following work
opportunity I was introduced by this company i found online and I am so
excited that i earned so much money. It's

Great responses from Ms. Barkin, but man, did the interviewer phone this one in.

Soon to be known as "Lack of Feeling in Left Hand".

Man, not until I read this article did I realize there was some little kid part of me that still believed the judges on Jeopardy! were actual judges, stern, impossibly wise, gravely authoritative. Instead, I find out it's just like four regular-ass people, one of whom is named "Rocky". I feel like I just found out

I first read that as "the cum was on the outside of the crapper."

This is equally not a good idea. So… yay?

I am so seriously wrecked right now. Leonard Nimoy's work as Spock informed much of my tastes, and much of my own outlook on life. As the character of Spock. he made it cool to be intelligent, he taught me the value of judging situations dispassionately, and speaking as a biracial nerd, it meant so much to identify

Yes, very impressive, that collection. You might say it's the tits.

Pictured above: Roland of fucking Gilead! (been saying this for years)