Built For Greed

How many man-crushes can I collect before I become officially bisexual?

"Working Class Hero". First time I actually believed he gave a shit about anybody besides himself. Still a great, great song, no matter how hard Green Day tried to kill it.

Maybe it's because it was so recent that it's still fresh in my mind, but Jesse's torture at the hands of Todd and his uncles was pretty hard to take.

Legend has it that the Metal One will return when the A.V. Club needs him the most, i.e. whenever they make a Crank 3.

Yeeeaaaah… see, I agree with you in principle, but fart jokes done right are freaking hilarious.

Come to think of it, we've never seen Amy Poehler and RJ Mitte in the same place at the same time. Hmm…


I thought his Madeline Kahn was pretty good.

Rather enjoyed that film when I was seven. The Coreys could do no wrong (though I was already leery of Feldman, shifty eyes on that one). Plus, Richard Masur is good as the dad.

SCREW THAT, YOU CAN TAKE HIM BRO, IF YOU NEED ME, I"LL BE OVER HERE BEHIND THIS BUSH, NOT HIDING THOUGH, just… y'know, sizing up the situation, making sure you're okay and everything. From behind this bush.

There probably aren't… nope, I just checked, there aren't enough likes in the world for this.

Yeah, he did yank that candy-stealing punk off that bike pretty hardcore.

"That's no way for a man to die."
"You're right, Ed. A parachute not opening, that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine; having your nuts bitten off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go!"

Mal. Although he runs more toward anti-authority, I could totally see him settling into a little out-of-the-way community on some moon somewhere and keeping the peace, with Zoe as his trusty deputy… yeah, that's my answer.

He may have been a colossal prick, but that will never sway me from thinking that Rawls was fucking awesome.

Thanks for the advice!

"And by the way… I faked every orgasm."

I actually cried for Jesse.


My Own Worst Enemy. No shit.