I could do without nabin's self-indulgent tangents. but after slogging though tons of My Year of Flops entries, I've kinda gotten used to them.
I could do without nabin's self-indulgent tangents. but after slogging though tons of My Year of Flops entries, I've kinda gotten used to them.
@curtis e bear: yes they are! and i love how the OP compensates for pam's "confrontational" confidence by passing it off as pregnancy hormones.
indeed. please don't malign my precious, precious stella.
no foolin, dick tracy
That's James Franco. He's playing himself, remember. That's just how he is.
nice save, grey man.
^^ that is the best comment on this entire board.
Maybe she's into receiving, but not giving…which I'll admit, is a little unfair.
Thank you. Truly, all of you.
I'm high right now, and the above comment is really bending my mind.
aww, ughh doesn't get it. he must be fairly new around here. how cute.
Back at ya, Joe.
Oh, but the Alan Rickman joke was funny! See, Conor, who posts below this thread agrees! I've never thought about it before, but yes, Rickman's slow, labored delivery would sound pretty funny as an answering machine greeting. And the fact that he's so lonely that the only calls he gets are reminders from himself,…
Unit3041 is warming. Makes a humming sound when its circuits duplicate emotion.
I can remember watching Robocop on HBO at a friend's house when I was around nine. And yes, ED-209 scared the shit out of me, too. That boardroom scene was horrifying.
Jenna once described "love" to Liz as going downstairs to the 7-11 to poop, rather than doing it in the apartment she shared with her boyfriend.
Fair enough.
Is it just me, or is serial killer Kenneth totally hot? I'd totally fuck him if he promised to talk to me in that unnerving serial killer voice. Stern and firm. Oh yes, Kenneth…whatever you say…