I want commas

I'm pretty glad that we now have downvotes. The dumber novelty accounts will now disappear.

Because Hipster DBag is a 74 years old and a communications professor at SUNY Cortland.

Yes, there is. The only people who really believe "Jesus don't real" are non-historians who try to write history. It's always so funny when you see these Biologists attempt to claim to be historical authorities and go against scholarly consensus, but you never see historians saying Germ theory doesn't exist without

So he's the real world version of Sluggo?

Yeah, they made slavery illegal, but in their African colonies they had "Volunteers"… that they didn't really pay… and could kill… and who didn't really volunteer…


He's just not that into U…ganda.

I really kind of like the vibe of the song. It's becoming clear that Best Coast definitely aren't long for this world though, their lyrics are lacking substance and the rhyme schemes still aren't very complex.

Thanks, I'm never going to have erection again because now all I'll ever be able think about are the Reagans getting into kinky sex.

I thought he was Eli Manning but with a pair of glasses and a wig stolen from the drummer of the Black Keys.

Good thing no one ever misses then.

>his friendship with Frank Ocean being the newly relevant clause
I guess Syd Tha Kid doesn't exist?

No, that is bullshit. Seriously, there is consensus among historians that Jesus existed and Atwill's new theory is utterly ridiculous. And this is among historians of all religious backgrounds.

It's bullshit.

And @Bitenuker:disqus  you forgot the greatest of all gay male characters, Omar. And you also didn't mentioned Andre Braugher on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Brie Larson was probably one of the better parts of last season. So I guess this is welcome news. I seriously hope that this is the final guest star announcement though, this is a little ridiculous now.

Cartman's poem and song also reminded me of Amanda Palmer's stupid ass "you don’t know how many vietnamese soft rolls to order" poem that I wish I could forget.

But we can all agree that The Doors fucking sucks.

Was Dee in Dennis's dream sequence post-headshot? Cause if she wasn't I think that means she died in that one too. She died by nun chuck to the dome in Mac's, a gun shot in Charlie's, eaten in Frank's, and then she mysteriously vanishes in Dennis's? Dude, she's dead.