I want commas

This isn't the racist Dad's show? Hmm…

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus 14-year-olds are weird and don't think things though. We can't just assume that they're all fake.

You would think that but I dated a girl who was missing a few fingers and well, it was a unique feeling.

Yes, yes that's all good. But what about us 19-fingered ten-year-olds? There's no hope for us.

And he just vanished randomly after a certain scene so… was there a deleted scene that I missed?


Nope, this one (probably) can't be topped for crazy. Everyone pack it up.

>When I called her a few days later, she said maybe we should let the whole thing die at band camp, and so we did.
Aww, who hasn't had one of those?

Hey, it's Dr. Craig T Nickelback IV to you.

No, she's not crazy. She's just dumb and trying to act crazy but is failing miserably at it. She also can't twerk but still attempts to which I find hilarious.

Except Rubicon! There's alway more room to cancel Rubicon!

"With Eric gone and off on his own story going forward, I think it’s a pretty obvious triangle we’re setting up between Bill and Sookie and Alcide.”  
Well… fuck you too.

We slumber until the next extremely unusually medical malady appears, that is.


Seriously, what the hell? I guess Sam is the only person dumb enough to set up a business in that nightmare of a town.

I do declare. Fans self

Can we just trade him to Game of Thrones already? He's too talented to be in this show. I'm sure Game of Thrones has a broken washing machine laying around somewhere that they aren't using.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus I'd also prefer if they do attempt to do something they actually understand what they're doing instead of doing something from their gut.

I don't think this is dog whistling because dog whistling is supposed to be subtle. This is like hitting someone with a rock that says "I'M BEING RACIST!"

She got them THANNNGS!