I want commas

Fuck off Sluggo. You're still worse than all of the cookie monsters.

… usa… usa…. USA…. USA! USA! USA!! USA!!!

"Great FUSION album! What's Fusion? It is a sign of a great new step in the evolution of music as we know it. Bands/Artists without restrictions, seamlessly blending one style of music with another without sticking to a single duality going from Dance-Rock to Pop-Rock, digging in tossing a little Funk-folk and

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT (Makes Fart noise with mouth)


Someone should check mrlorenck's browsing history. I'm not saying Chris Hansen would need to be involved. I'm just saying there is a high possibility he would need to get involved soon.

Oh no, not queen T-Swizzle.

That's not even "A "gaze vaguely at the ball as it flies past you" and a miss." He wasn't even in the park, and on top of that he's blind and only has a quarter of a hand.

Bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, now tell me whatcha gonna do. When judgement comes for you?

Da fuck dude. Some of us still want to believe in miracles. And you just shat all over mine with painful white poops caused by too much vanilla pudding.

It's getting too spicy for the pepper!

PUDDING CUPS, GAWD! It's a really big plot point.

Add "The" before GAS-TROPOD and you have a Rob Schneider movie.

Oh yeah, cheek bones! I totally forgot about her. I didn't even know her real name.

Tom Cruise is the perfect fit for the Dwarf Hooker role.

He's clearly a linux and a Carrie.

I think we found Aaron Sorkin. Because it's awful, boring, and masturbatory.

Or the most famous line in the history of shit shark movies. NSFW also, so beware.

He'll always be World B. Free to me.

He almost died in FNL though.