Had they been able to take Mira Furlan, and use *real* time-travel to get her to play young Rousseau, then I'd put her near the top of any awful sexist ranking you'd choose to make!
Had they been able to take Mira Furlan, and use *real* time-travel to get her to play young Rousseau, then I'd put her near the top of any awful sexist ranking you'd choose to make!
I always thought that the problem with the Twin Peaks endgame was that they set up a huge battle between good vs. evil, and then failed to pay it off. And the silliness of the town — Miss Twin Peaks contest? Really? — overshadowed the good bits, like amazing friendship between Cooper and Truman, as well-written…
My Favorite Bit in Calvin & Hobbes
What I loved most in Calvin & Hobbes was when Watterson cut from Calvin's perspective to another perspective, and we saw a stuffed tiger sitting there with a frown on his face.
The interview about the interview was longer than the interview itself.
I read a lot of 50s & 60s sci-fi during the 70s & early 80s, and the passages that Keith quotes from Boyd don't seem representative of much of the writing of that time. (Exception, of course, being Heinlein's self-conscious experiments with language like "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress").
How Many Stars Are Changing Their Flights?
I wonder how many stars are getting the hell out of L.A. after the Sunday 5:00PM taping of the Grammys so as not to be "lingering" here the next day.
I'm really going to miss reading his daily blog
Because some of his observations about our post-millennial world were trenchant and hilarious. Oh, and his Twitter feed? So smart and on point.
Obama's Pissed Now
Obama was planning to take a page from Conan and a page from the GOP and to close the State of The Union tonight by playing "Shapes of Things" with a guitar delivered in EXACTLY this fashion.
And Two Fresno Jokes!
It's always good to see my long-escaped-from hometown continue to be the butt of jokes.
Bucky & Staircar, I like at lot of songs on Transverse City — I think "Networking" is one of his most effective love songs, and "Turbulence" one of his sharpest political songs.
There were a couple of things that had people up in arms about the fifth season:
The Wire Juggernaut
I love the The Wire as much as any red-blooded TV snob, but one of the things that annoyed me about all of the end of decade love was that everybody seemed to gloss over the fifth season, which was NOT as well-received at the time as the previous four.
I've been a fan of Warren Zevon since "Werewolves of London" was a hit single, and watching the recording of "Keep Me In Your Heart" in that documentary was one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
The first season of TNG is dreadful. Not as dreadful as S3 of TOS, but dreadful nevertheless.
Maybe Greg Norton has learned to play keyboards in the past 20 years.
I Don't Hate This News
I love the Hold Steady, but it seemed like some of the weaker tunes on "Stay Positive" were the ones that Nicolay dominated as opposed to the ones that Kubler dominated.
Tony Clifton & R.E.M.
I'm very glad to have seen the show at the Hollywood Bowlwhere R.E.M. brought Clifton onstage to sing "Man on the Moon" and he ended up shoving Michael Stipe, and throwing water at both Stipe and Peter Buck. Because if you are going to invite Tony Clifton onstage, that's the type of stuff you…
But They Were Shooting Kittens!
What kind of monster are you that you can't get behind shooting kittens?
Southern California Brings Me Down
National Lampoon parody which is still the gold standard for Neil Young parodies:
I like it, but I'd be REALLY impressed if he did electric Neil.