Declan McManus International

phmmmmm. . . No YOU'RE a stupid poopyhead!

Wait I thought the speculator was the "F*** you guy". . . Just because I thought he was an asshole. Okay then

I would like to point out that my argument could have been better worded though, it's a little confusing. Originally, what I meant was: "don't make this an America is stupid but *insert country here* is very intellectual."

I feel bad now. Sorry guys, didn't mean to troll.

c'mon, he could BE SNL, all of it!

"They" are stupid? Aw shit don't make this a America is stupid *my country* is very intelectual


I'm pretty sure the Mighty Boosh are busy currently writing a movie, an album, and an interpretive dance piece (not so sure about that last one)


something changed. . .

What? I can't choose between Jarvis and Damon. Those are two names I plan on using for future sons. But not Liam and Noel.

The picture in this article offends me.

Isn't "" silent? I dunno my cyrillic's so-so cus I was tought to read Greek.

Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, Todd commented after me. . .

I thought Kurt was a little harsh in this episode. . . but he's the most complex and well-written character on the show. Sometimes when people are angry they don't like to listen to people that offer them help (I know I'm like that) but becuase Kurt added the whole political (for lack of a much better word) aspect it

For me, my defense of Glee is a lot like my defense of Obama. Tire.

I was younger than YO MAMA when it came on (for my own reasons let's say I was a fetus), and I started watching AD a little ways back cus everyone always talks about it, especially here.