
Zosia, put that coffee down.

'Megan gets on my nerves and has a horse face.' - every girl at my office

Krusty the Klown and Larry King are more discerning in their roles/work than Rob Lowe.

Great list, but what about George HW Bush and George W Bush?

I'm just so glad Arrested Development is back that objectivity is difficult. After all this time it seems silly to rush to some sweeping statement.

And Paul.

I think Harry's '27 Yankees comparison is a leap Bob Beamon would be proud of.

Step to the front if you thought Ann would look this good and Steve Holt would look this bad.

Why can't we have 100 minutes of Between Two Ferns?

There's always money in the banana stand.

Agreed. I think Extreme Prejudice is also good, Nolte and Boothe are really great in that one.

I was hoping for him to wake up after passing out in Joy's arms at the California place. Why not toss in more weirdness at that point?

This was well done and much less over the top than Wiig's goodbye.

Megan looked incredible in that little dress for her event. Betty definitely noticed.

Season 8 was a hot circle of garbage.

There she is! A Christmas Carol!

Maybe "oh yeah, I have a hot young French wife on this floor of the building."

I don't think Fox News likes guns as much as Kristen Wiig likes her legs.

What an episode.

Peggy got pushed around by some old bat residential real estate agent? Let's tap the brakes on her being a peer of Don in or out of the office.