Contains Hot Liquid

Also, interesting anecdote:
Tom Arnold's sister, Lori, was the initial distributor of high-grade methamphetamine to pretty much all of the American Midwest. Beginning in the 80s, she used her biker-husband's contacts in California to establish a connection, ship cooked meth to Iowa, and set up a distribution network.

This isn't the first time…
Apparently Dylan was supposed to (or did?) record a Christmas album sometime in the '70s. It was never released.

Another one. Man.
Ali brought the drum kit to unexplored territory, and life's more interesting for it.

The title…
… having heard nothing about this, I clicked on a review for "My Life In Ruins". That is not the picture I was expecting to see.

The Clairmont Lounge is pretty well known for being a place you might run into people like Bill Murray, or, on the night I was there, Keith Richards. Strange place.

Also I'd add
Charles Willeford (awesome, Miami noir)
the Akashic Press noir series (each on particular cities: Brooklyn, San Fran, Chicago etc. … really well edited/compiled)

ricin beans -

I mean it's nice.

Thank you, Zugzwang. It's not to finally hear that someone wants to be as cool as me. We librarians don't hear that much.

I am a librarian at the KC public libraries, but I had no hand in hooking this up. Strange.

I think she's been raised by Kim and Thurston, more or less.