
When Sebastian said, "We had a deal," I really wanted Slade to say, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." He's got the voice for it.

Having an accomplice use a grenade launcher to simultaneously create an escape route and take out pursuing law enforcement? That's new. I also thoroughly enjoyed Jack's behind-the-back-while-handcuffed choke out. I just wish he had said, "Don't fight it."

"Technically, we're all dying. Unless you choose the right grail. It's the dusty one." An Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade reference? Yes please. Thanks, Andy.

I really loved the final song ("Medicine" by Daughter), which made the final sequence positively haunting. I honestly didn't know if Reese would kill the congressman or not. I'm relieved that he didn't, but if the Machine is ordering hits, the game done changed.

My two favorite moments (well, other than basically everything involving Jonah's hilarious website that absolutely should be something we can visit for real) involved Mike.

This was excellent. Best comedy pilot I've seen in a long time. I think my favorite part was that Erlich has not one, but *two* "I know H.T.M.L. (How To Meet Ladies)" shirts.

"Stop wasting helium. It is intended for welding and filling airships." This is the kind of thing that sets Parks and Rec apart. I think a lot of comedies would have stopped with Leslie threatening Ron with her helium-induced high-pitched voice. That's pretty standard stuff. But Parks and Rec fits in another hilarious

Right now, Oliver is thinking one or two moves ahead, while Slade is thinking several moves beyond that. And Oliver is getting his ass kicked. The laws of fiction demand that Oliver come out on top in the end, but damn if this isn't fun to watch in the moment.

The parade of women who periodically slapped Reese in the face was comedy gold.

The Good Wife…wow. To quote my man Cutty, the game done changed.

"Oh, hang on. Here's a place that might work. It's called Sweaty Roger's Pants Tent…*click*…Oh, no, you can't rent tents there." *closes laptop* One thing (among many) that I've always loved about Parks and Rec is that it isn't above slipping in a really obvious, really sophomoric (and really funny) joke at least once

"Look what they did to Peebo! He's wearing a hat made of penises!"

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my son, John [Middle Name Redacted] Swanson. John was born some time ago, weighing multiple pounds and several ounces. Much like his father, he is a fan of silence." Ron Swanson is the best.

I absolutely loved Ben and Jerry's romantic getaway. It kind of reminded me of the episode in which all the guys went to the bachelor's parties that they never had themselves. The couples massage was funny enough, and it became apparent that this was going to be the way the rest of the episode turned out. Just when I

Lots to like about this episode, as Arrow just continues to be on a roll.
-The opening scene in which Nyssa kicks all kinds of ass. Now *that* is an entrance.
-Katrina Law playing Nyssa (recurring in every scene she was in). I mean *damn.*
-I laughed when I saw Sara on the salmon ladder. Equal opportunity salmon ladder.

So Shaw is apparently such a crack shot that she can sit at a bar and with her left arm crossed over her stomach, put accurate shots on both knees in a split second. Wow. That's among the more impressive feats I've seen on this show. The only way it would have been better is if she was actually drinking from her glass

Best part of the episode (from an entertainment standpoint) for me was Sherlock assuring Randy that he was "qualified" to tell Randy to cut Eve entirely out of his life due to Sherlock's own experience with "the allure of a dangerous woman." When Randy asks if that was what Sherlock did with his girlfriend, Sherlock

I really liked this episode, one of the better ones this season.
-I've always liked Slade, and I'm glad the show has spent as much time on him as it has. It paid off even more in this episode, as Oliver was able to effectively sell how haunted he is by what happened to Slade in part because we've seen that history.

Was I the only one who was disappointed that Ben watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? Couldn't it have been Raiders or Last Crusade instead?

Yeah, I don't buy the premise of your argument. Comparing Elementary to Law & Order doesn't really work. I actually really like Law & Order. At its best, it is an exceptional procedural. But it has virtually no character development at all. Which is fine. It's not really supposed to. It's a procedural. And strictly as