
I understand your point, but I'm fairly skeptical that anyone is going to take a murderess' claim about Reese, Finch and Carter seriously when two of them are off the grid entirely and the other one is a police officer.

Loved the washed-up high school footballer line. So this is the TV show equivalent of Al "Four touchdowns in a single game" Bundy?

You know, I actually don't hate the ending to Mass Effect 3 as much as I guess I should. I think the real problem is that BioWare made so many promises about how much choices from all three games affected the endgame, and that turned out to be complete BS. Every ending is basically the exact same thing, only a

First of all, I have to say that Elementary is in the zone. The last time it put out an episode that I didn't like was the post-Super Bowl episode, and that was on the heels of like four of five really good episodes in a row (including my favorite non-Moriarty episode, "The Leviathan"). And this was the best episode

I liked Arrow last season, but I was starting to get a bit bored with it by the end. So I am pleasantly surprised to see that the writers have basically made all the correct decisions going into the second season. I found myself legitimately invested in what almost every character was doing (which is pretty

Yeah, I was just as confused as the vigilantes were. The assassination of a mayor of a major city would basically be wall-to-wall coverage of that one story. Oliver Queen probably wouldn't have been mentioned at all.

Well, it moved to both a worse night (Tuesday) and time slot (10 p.m.) than it had when it was airing on Thursdays at 9. So, yes, the new time slot is hurting ratings. That being said, it's in Season 3, which means that it is certain to be renewed due to the fact that it needs four full seasons for syndication

Um, that money (which is absolutely nothing in Manhattan) enabled him to "invest in a lot of different companies." Or something. And I agree. He was not particularly sympathetic (certainly not to the degree that I think the show wanted him to be), nor particularly interesting. Also, I don't think his "I know what

Yeah, this wasn't my favorite episode, but just the sight of how dejected Shaw looked in that dress made the episode worth watching. I also enjoyed her contempt for the profile Harold ("Really? A yoga instructor?") made for her.

Solid enough episode, though I'm not sure I buy the DEA ex machina at the end.

No. The thing is, the Breaking Bad devotees (I count myself) aren't going around claiming that the the reason the show is the best is because of how "important" it is (personally, I'm not watching TV to decide what to think about political issues—I spend plenty of time reading actual news), while sweeping problems

I don't think it was that bad either. I mean, the final scene set in present-day earth is virtually indefensible, but I actually like the rest of it.

Absolutely. Worst scene in the whole episode, and that's saying something. The real question: Does that actor work again? I can't imagine a competent casting director hiring him for anything.

Haven't seen the episode yet (too busy watching another great episode of Breaking Bad), but I was absolutely delighted to see the F. Can't wait to see how badly this ends.

Agreed. It seemed like the writers wanted Frye to get shot (though not killed) without having Marco have to do it. Which is fine, if it's executed properly. But throwing the gun toward Tate was the height of stupidity. Even if Marco threw the gun off the bridge, and then Tate used a second gun that he had on him to

I agree with @avclub-11caed84c0b5847df3a698d6b5fb7e46:disqus. In fact, I distinctly remember some critics complaining that Boardwalk Empire had *too many* interesting characters (a complaint also lodged at Game of Thrones), which seems like a pretty good problem to have. The first season starts a bit slow, but I think

I'm not sure how impressive that was. I mean, it was moderately surprising, but Gus was really a fairly minor character. I was actually much more surprised that they apparently killed off Frye…until they didn't.

@avclub-f70fed7d681f918c8f4a492c21e5f704:disqus Just because something is unlikely, that doesn't make it implausible. The odds that Walt would run into Jane's dad at that exact time are very low. The odds that both of them are so upset about Jesse/Jane that they'd end up in a bar aren't that low. You are correct that

Actually, I think Seasons 2 (cougar notwithstanding) and 3 of 24 are significantly better than the first season, which I also liked a lot. Season 4 has a really rough start, but its second half is as good as anything that show ever did. Season 5 is great. Season 6 is a disaster (though at least it had Kiefer

Seriously, re-watch "4 Days Out." Walt had cancer for at least a few weeks at that point. And yet, he never called his own mother. Skyler was also surprised when Walt suggested that he visit her. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math on that one. I suppose they never had a Walt voice over say, "I'm