
@avclub-5d4ae74d1fc68675546692a782da7e22:disqus Yeah, I agree. Obsessing over something that isn't particularly relevant is the kind of thing routinely utilized by Donald Trump on The Celebrity Apprentice when he needs a reason to keep Omarosa or Gary Busey around. But as others have pointed out, it really seems like

After "Send him on a trip to Belize" and "Old Yeller Situation," I can't wait to hear what euphemism Saul has when discussing what Walt should do about Skyler or Walt Jr.

@avclub-90a5da808b7409c044aac94d490e7f0d:disqus You have a point, but given that there was at least one witness (and likely more), it wasn't a slam dunk acquittal by any means. She's apparently in a federal prison, and federal prosecutors are known for having extraordinarily high (like 95%) conviction rates. If you

I think most people would say Season 6 was the worst, but Season 5 was really terrible in its own right. But Season 8 is well on its way to blowing both out of the water. It's like the reverse Breaking Bad. That show is like the '96 Bulls. It's already racked up 72 wins and is cruising through the playoffs. It just

Has there ever been a less believable "romance" in the history of television than Dexter and Hannah? Or the history of movies or books or video games or anything? I know that's covering a lot of territory. And surely, there are some that are equally unbelievable. But I can't think of any that were worse.

This kind of reminds me of Seven, the annoying kid that nearly ruined Married…With Children. Harrison even looks like him. The difference is that the MWC writers realized very quickly that Seven was a major problem. He went from having a ton of lines in the first couple of episodes to a small amount in the next few to

There are lots of better places in New Mexico, but Garduno's is solid enough. One thing I love about Breaking Bad is how it gets the little details about New Mexico right. Instead of walking out of a Home Depot, Walt walks out of a RAKS during the "Stay out of my territory" scene in season two. Instead of using

Good analysis overall. I think Apollo 13 is a great movie, though.

Good analysis overall. I think Apollo 13 is a great movie, though.

Completely agree with your last point. It certainly doesn't feel like there's only four episodes to go.

I wish I wasn't watching the show at all (sadly, with only a few episodes to go, I feel obligated to stick it out to the bitter end). And I'm not ruling it out. I wouldn't put anything past these writers. I'm just skeptical. It doesn't make any sense. If she was the Brain Surgeon, why would she kill someone that

I don't think Vogel is the Brain Surgeon if only because she had just taken Zach home. Would someone who came up with The Code, the most important element being "Don't get caught" really be dumb enough to kill someone right after Dexter sent him with her? As insulting as the writing on this show is, I can't imagine

You know, if Vic Mackey just showed up without any explanation and took Dexter down, that would *almost* make this all worth it.

It would be my pick, but there's this weird backlash toward it from cinephiles, ever since it passed The Godfather for No. 1 on IMDB. Entertainment Weekly recently did a top 100 movies of all time list and left Shawshank off entirely, which is akin to leaving Joe Montana off a list of the best football players of all

It would be my pick, but there's this weird backlash toward it from cinephiles, ever since it passed The Godfather for No. 1 on IMDB. Entertainment Weekly recently did a top 100 movies of all time list and left Shawshank off entirely, which is akin to leaving Joe Montana off a list of the best football players of all

L.A. Confidential is way too low. It's one of the five best movies of the decade.

L.A. Confidential is way too low. It's one of the five best movies of the decade.

True. I also feel like he should be getting hazard pay.

Yeah, it was a fairly humorous scene. Basically, the difference between the D- I gave the episode and the F it would have gotten without it.

I waited until *Friday,* and it was still way too early. No way in hell am I watching this on the same night as Breaking Bad (which comes on at 7 p.m. MT due to my having an East Coast AMC feed, so I can't even really just get Dexter out of the way first while I wait for Breaking Bad). Oh well. Time to watch Strike