
While I'd agree that it is the sort of thing that is realistic for most marriages, I can't remember Jim and Pam ever having a fight like that (it's possible I'm forgetting one, but I don't think so) or even remotely resembling that. So while it was "realistic" in real-world terms, it was completely out of character

While I'd agree that it is the sort of thing that is realistic for most marriages, I can't remember Jim and Pam ever having a fight like that (it's possible I'm forgetting one, but I don't think so) or even remotely resembling that. So while it was "realistic" in real-world terms, it was completely out of character

The episode was a B, but the Godfather montage was an A+.

I think I'm out. The episode was just a non-stop barrage of dumb plot lines. That ridiculous reporter, the aftermath of Juliette's "marriage," (is it really a "dick move" that he didn't appreciate the way she treated him?—the show wants us to take his side because he quite clearly is the victim, and that really

Is "this year" 2013 or the network year that began in the fall? Just curious. If it's 2013, I'd go with this, though there isn't much competition (I did also really like this week's episode of Elementary). For the TV year? I don't know. There's quite a few good ones. Elementary's "The Leviathan," the Last Resort

Great episode that really had everything a good Person of Interest episode needs. It didn't really have a major person of interest this week, but you can't go wrong with a supermodel, especially when it leads to hilarious scenes with Fusco (the look on his face after she kissed him at the end was positively

Another really good episode, and it was nice to finally get our first Moriarty reference (kudos to everyone who called Jones as Moran), as well as some Irene Adler back story. I liked Jones as Moran, as he was pretty sinister and threatening. And even though he was pretty sadistic, I thought it was a nice touch that

I don't know if she faked her death, but I do think she's still alive. Remember Moran's M.O.—he drains his victims of their blood, and then he dumps the bodies in the ocean. Sherlock said only about half the bodies were recovered, so I think Irene's probably wasn't. Now, it's true that it probably was her blood, but

Nice work. I thought he might be a "top lieutenant" to Moriarty, and it is to my great shame that I was not familiar enough with the Sherlock Holmes canon to even knew who Moran was.

Fair enough. I guess I sort of knew that he had band members, and maybe I'm just blocking as much Avery stuff out of my mind as possible, but I had no recollection of JT before, and I'm pretty sure he's had no lines other than maybe a "Good job" or something. And as I said, I actually like him. As far as the new

Tony Almeida.

Ok, despite my initial skepticism, I actually liked Fake Tim Tebow and Juliette prior to the hiatus. But I just assumed that FTT would tell Juliette that he thinks her proposal is sweet, but they should really take some more time to get to know each other before, you know, committing to spend the rest of their lives

Agreed. I somehow forgot to watch the preview for next week's episode until this morning, and I'm a bit surprised that Moriarty (assuming that it actually is Moriarty—Vinnie Jones might be a top lieutenant instead) is being introduced already. I assumed that he would be saved for the post-Super Bowl episode, but maybe

I definitely think the episode was more convoluted and required a greater suspension of disbelief than many of the others (I highly recommend watching the previous episode, "The Leviathan," which was the best to date). In fact, I would probably say that this is the weakest episode so far. But that's mostly because of

I thought it was a decent episode, though I wish it would have found a way to give John some more screen time. He's the protagonist, and it seemed like he was barely used at all. Though I would prefer John taking care of business, it was a decent change of pace for Harold to step in, and I did think the scene at the

The thing is, my BS detector did go off when that happened. But I was enjoying the episode so much that I just decided to ignore it. Also, I'm not exactly sure why, but that is the sort of coincidence that I'm not shocked to find in a Sherlock Holmes story. Googling "Sherlock Holmes coincidence" gets this as the top

The thing is, my BS detector did go off when that happened. But I was enjoying the episode so much that I just decided to ignore it. Also, I'm not exactly sure why, but that is the sort of coincidence that I'm not shocked to find in a Sherlock Holmes story. Googling "Sherlock Holmes coincidence" gets this as the top

Well, that's exactly what I was thinking. Still waiting on Moriarty (the Super Bowl episode seems like an ideal place for him) and/or Irene Adler (no I don't think she's dead—she's way too important to be killed off before we even meet her).

Well, that's exactly what I was thinking. Still waiting on Moriarty (the Super Bowl episode seems like an ideal place for him) and/or Irene Adler (no I don't think she's dead—she's way too important to be killed off before we even meet her).

Just want to say that "jeremiad" is a great word that is underused in our society. Nice work getting it in.