
"This one just felt like everyone involved with the script was hung over, cobbled together a few ’90s-sitcom plots, and called it a day."

"You have the voice of an angel!"

"You have the voice of an angel!"

Surprise motherfucka!

Surprise motherfucka!

Is it weird I listened to Ellie Goulding for three hours straight studying for an exam?

Is it weird I listened to Ellie Goulding for three hours straight studying for an exam?

"I didn't travel through time to fuck his mum!"
Only Misfits can pull this shit off quiet so elegantly. After this episode turned Rudy and Jess into more three-dimensional characters I'm excited to see next weeks episode, because after being an after thought throughout series 1 and 2, Curtis truly got the showcase he

"I didn't travel through time to fuck his mum!"
Only Misfits can pull this shit off quiet so elegantly. After this episode turned Rudy and Jess into more three-dimensional characters I'm excited to see next weeks episode, because after being an after thought throughout series 1 and 2, Curtis truly got the showcase he

Thats what kind of confuses me about you, I loved Casino Royale but Quantum of Solace was a mess from start to finish. By that I mean from the theme song to the ending credits. Actually that terrible theme song by Alicia Keys and Jack White kind of sums up my feelings on that movie. It probably didn't help the movie

Thats what kind of confuses me about you, I loved Casino Royale but Quantum of Solace was a mess from start to finish. By that I mean from the theme song to the ending credits. Actually that terrible theme song by Alicia Keys and Jack White kind of sums up my feelings on that movie. It probably didn't help the movie

See when people explain all of this like you just did it makes sense. You made understand this plot alot more and now it irritates me further. T-dawg was a genius, if only he had spoken more than 10 words an episode :(…

See when people explain all of this like you just did it makes sense. You made understand this plot alot more and now it irritates me further. T-dawg was a genius, if only he had spoken more than 10 words an episode :(…

Am I the only one who finds this disgusting like H8ter, I mean that show was borderline living on Fox News-levels of reality but I mean this seems much more disgusting. But Sunny must know better right? A guy so hot he's a distraction in the classroom, I mean I happen to suffer from that but not that guy…

Am I the only one who finds this disgusting like H8ter, I mean that show was borderline living on Fox News-levels of reality but I mean this seems much more disgusting. But Sunny must know better right? A guy so hot he's a distraction in the classroom, I mean I happen to suffer from that but not that guy…

So all teenagers are fucking horrible human beings without souls or a sense of style? Hmmm….

So all teenagers are fucking horrible human beings without souls or a sense of style? Hmmm….

You love nitpicking like I love watching a muskox chase a tiger through the tundra or someshit along those lines…

You love nitpicking like I love watching a muskox chase a tiger through the tundra or someshit along those lines…

Same, I hope they don't go follow the comic storyline with her, otherwise it's gonna get really sad up IN HIAAR…