
I thought the original DB13 was great. Not so much for its plot or anything high brow like that, but the parkour scenes constantly floored me with the ridiculous stuff they did. They were constantly upping the ante with crazier and crazier stunts.

Is that a word? Isn't it just problematic?

Favorite line
I Danny Dubersteined the fuck out of that man!

If the new cast member angle goes on
seems like sam getting introduced in diff'rent strokes. And the 30 Rock free fall starts….now.

av club
I rule it tonight

lets change both
just to be on the safe side

Creed Bratton has killed a man
His name was Creed Bratton

first first ever! i rule

I do declare
this episode was ok

The black dude playing chess
You know that the writers were like, "If we throw him in a suit, we can make him the Tiger Obama of MIT chess! Brilliant!"

Missed the best wrestling song
I am a real American/fight for the rights of everyman/I am a real American/fight for whats right/fight for your lives!

Benny from LA Law aka Dr. Giggles
Best line of the movie: When Benny is chopping off the guy's finger with the cigar cutter at the beginning of the movie and telling him why:

No Salem's Lot?!?!

I want to make out with Tasha Robinson
Great piece. Pretty accurately sums up King's career. Read all of his books up until a couple years ago, and was all ready to write a post about how much you fucked up by leaving Long Walk off the list, but there it was. It always stood out as classic King, especially with the

Typical lazy AV Clubber
You have forever soured me on boxes and paperbacks. And the thought of paperbacks in boxes makes me want to vomit on your face.

Take yet another step back!

Its pronounced