mmmm…. orange border
mmmm…. orange border
busky should win
That shit was truly horrifying — and far and away more annoying than any other submission in this comment thread. Maybe someone emailed a real doozy though? Doesn't seem possible, but…
A little mystified
People who dislike Finding Nemo surprise me. I love that movie! But I admit that I am a Pixar nut — A Bug's Life is their worst in my opinion, and Cars is a close second (though I enjoyed it when I saw it). Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Toy Story 2 are all tied at number one for me — I just…
RE babe: pig in the city
That movie rules! It's no Babe, but it's great. You folks aren't saying otherwise, are you?
re: MJD
Caddyshack. I believe that one blows your theory.
I love night ripper…
But still… Jeez. That's pretty freakin' lame.
mistaken for anthony
I clicked this link hoping to read more about The Sopranos.
sadly agree about this review's poor quality
I think people have been quite reactionary toward the music reviews on this site lately, and I have held my tongue. But sadly I have to agree with Clay — this article shouldn't really count as a review of the album. It gives the disc a grade, and a single sentence about how…
this is my favorite feature
This is my favorite feature on the AV Club, bar none. So I'm in agreement with the chorus of voices calling out for its continuation, though I don't feel entitled or righteous about it — just lucky whenever they appear.
Nope. I don't.
donut timewarp
My God, I just stepped into a timewarp… that donut movie, I forgot all about it… depite seeing it at least 3 or 4 times in school. Amazing.
Yes, Lisa1, there are indeed stupid people out there. Some of them can't even spell Gloria Steinem's last name. Sad, isn't it?
yo strategic_hamlet
I definitely give Rio Grande Blood the edge over Houses of the Mole, though that one's not bad. I have to agree that Animositisomina is about as good as its title.
chong chang
the chingy thing was hilarious. I like your rapping too, sir!
RE: industrial in 2007
I can name one:
Dear Joshua James Levin
You said: "That's one of the reasons I can't stand Buddhism. It seems to be highly fashionable because it contains absolutely no behavioral guidelines or moral imperatives."