Sorry, folks, but the role goes to H. Jon Benjamin. Not really optional.
Sorry, folks, but the role goes to H. Jon Benjamin. Not really optional.
Hank Schrader wishes this show's writers were as insightful and risk-taking as the Dexter guys.
Yeah, didn't he play some sort of game-show host? Nice call. Have to admit, though, I was thinking of something less "cartoonish-evil" and more psychological. Here's hoping.
I suspect that, like unaccountably many comic actors (who knows why?), Pegg has truly great villainous potential. Wonder how he'd fare in a Mike Newell-esque exploration of human monstrosity?
[Point at the top of my head, wait a beat, and then laugh cruelly] "No, not really."
You've just inspired my next letter to my congressman.
I'm really looking forward to it. Oh, whoops—I mean, lady pillows. No, wait.
I saw it as a preteen kid, but the fact that it happened & I watched it is pretty much all that remains. Remember, the show was the farthest thing from a trendsetter: as you'd expect of this show's creators, they merely latched onto an issue that had been in the air for a little while already, adding nothing new.
You're all giving Lynch far too little credit. He's not unimaginative; he chose this song simply TO PUT IT IN OUR HEADS. And "Flappy" was his masterstroke: now the demon has "a local habitation and a name."
"Yeah, THAT'LL last." —Agt. Brand
But even if Brubaker had held firm, the permanence of a character's death is always at the mercy of the biggest hack who'll ever be handed the reins in the future. So in the long run, none of them mean a damned thing … not even on the stories' own, internal terms.
I keep hoping this isn't a real movie—maybe it's like those Ford commercials, an extremely meta ad campaign for something else.
So is anyone going to PM me with how it's done, or not? She's getting kind of antsy.
Yeah, when Living Colour hit it big (medium?), bands like Cinderella were still the default template for metal. Compared to what still seemed like the prevailing winds, ol' bodygloved Corey Glover looked like the very picture of fashion-impaired authenticity, and the whole band felt like a minor revelation.
Throughout most of the '90s, my wife & I were impoverished newlyweds who couldn't afford fripperies like cable or a satellite dish. The big advantage turned out to be, our memories of '90s songs are 100% untainted by any knowledge of what the videos were like.
Uncomfortable admission time: I kind of like the Moonraker and Octopussy themes.
You, sir, are off the #&%@* chain.
Same here. The DVD rack calls.
Not lately. Score one for gentrification!
@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus speaks the truth. You CANNOT tell me Sam has messed with payroll in the last few months.