

My own stray observations:

Although I don't share Carrie's view that the show isn't worth watching anymore, I will agree with her point on Marnie/Antonia. The revelation that Marnie is in charge would have been much more powerful if we learned it at the same time Jesus did. The fact that we already knew that when he went in there to save the

Just read an interview with the guy who played Tommy discussing the character's death.

I agree wholeheartedly on the Bill issue. After three seasons of hating him, I find he is finally watchable, if not downright enjoyable.

That's a good point about Jason. I think it's his maturity we're seeing, which is a long time coming. It also makes those moments when he drops an idiotic line so much funnier.

@Lambic: For which line?

And the award for best line of the night goes to…
Bill. And two minutes into the show, too.

Shouldn't Luna have been able to smell that the guy she was sleeping with wasn't Sam?