
Mitch's line about prison being "quite an adjustment for two of you" - caught me off guard for a show that's been notably shy about that couple's PDA and affection. Unless that was just a joke about Jay being the only "tough guy" of the three, in which case I'm sorry for the misread.

I feel like "Buoys on the Side" isn't going to help the previously referenced rumors about Brad.

Is there a part in this for Erica Gimpel?  I feel like we don't see enough of her.  (Sincerely.)

I would not be surprised if Barney keeps a go-bag at their bar, no.

Wait, wasn't Ricci's most ridiculous line the following:

I'm still really digging this, but speaking as someone who has never had the patience for "Mad Men" I don't really understand your concerns regarding that particular comparison.  I will say that this episode didn't feel that inconsistent from previous episodes nor did it feel like a bad direction - I just hope they

Re: "West Side Story" having more than 4 roles, I demand to know who's playing Anybodys.  Sugar Motta?  Charice?

Also, is every episode going to end with the four main cast members engaging in some awkwardly public show of dancing/singing/hat wearing solidarity?  It could be like their version of the "Starsky and Hutch" freeze frame!

Worst covers on "Glee", go!  I vote for the mash-up of "Free Your Mind"/"Stop in the Name of Love".  Also the "Island of Misfit Toys" thing from last year's Christmas episode.

Bold move not giving this episode the A Minus that the title refers to.  Way to keep your critical integrity in the face of an easy joke.

I think the answer is even worse - they randomly made her sick a lot this episode just to make the awkward "Dreamgirls" number make a slight amount more sense when she talks about having a pain.  I know that TV has trained us to assume that any hint of vomiting is pregnancy (with the exception of "Jackass"), but I

This season has been pretty rough so far.  I already thought the show was hit and miss, but while I can name episodes worse than the ones from these past few weeks, I don't remember ever being this bored by the show before.

Wait a minute, anyone else notice a trend here?  Maybe network
television shows like to cast attractive people.

So is this getting regular TV Club coverage now?  A welcome addition, just like Adam Pally is a welcome addition to my list of TV crushes.

I'm also hoping this show has a chance to grow a little, but I'm already wondering how they can stretch this premise to an entire season, let alone a longer series.  But I do like this, a lot, and for more than just the wonderful Kathryn Hahn.  Those supporting characters are a real problem, though… Madrigal and the

Weirder still - they *didn't* finish last at Nationals.  They just act like they did.  They came in 12th overall which is pretty damn impressive, but for plot purposes they were devastated.

I have to disagree, I think this was a relatively strong start to the season.  The plot wasn't the most consequential, but it was pretty coherent (even if it accomplished this by sidelining more of the cast than usual) and set up a few different ideas for the season to follow through on.  The songs were fun and seemed

My other thought tonight: remember the SNL skit where the premise was the 7th season of a "Sister Sister" style twin sitcom that's built around mistaken identity, but then one of the twins got really fat?  And they just tried to not acknowledge it?  My point is, is it too late to save the show by sticking Gellar in a

I thought this was wildly funny, right down to her fancy party hairdo being a full-on Madonna top-knot ponytail.  I mean, yes, it's a mess, but I'm not bored.

I'm late to the party here, but is anyone else convinced there's something weird going on with a Rubik's Cube motif?  He had one in "Night Terrors", and it showed up twice tonight, and then based on next week's preview *spoilers, maybe* it looks like he's at a toy store.  I have no idea what it could mean, and I'm not