
You see this is where I realize why I root for Olivia over Fitz. Olivia's parental dynamic was/is just as screwed up if not more than Fitz's. However, Olivia has moments of self-awareness and she tends to behave less selfishly (sometimes) than Fitz does. The parental figures in this show are awful and have no

I wasn't paying attention to the opening credits so her entrance was a shock to me (and yes, I missed the casting news as well).

Scandal, this is how you do a season premier!

Okay so from reading the comments' section it's clear we won't agree on this. I stand by what I said, we're Team Mellie even if we're horribly wrong about it.

Okay so the girlfriend and I spent the summer watching this show from start until the S4 finale so we could watch it live now and I wanted to share our thoughts.

This show is crazy and sometimes, okay a lot of the times, makes no sense. Just take it for what it is. A crazy, hip-hop soapie on primetime.

Forget the mom, the addict will get everyone killed while he's trying to get his fix.

Technically she did freak out, when she got home that is. I think she was trying to hold it together for Tobias but the minute she got some time alone she completely broke down.

I'm with you here. It's why I prefer this show to it's parent show. TWD does not have good characters. It has good zombie action but the characters are hit or miss to put it politely.

This. I give you Gotham, Quarterlife, State of Affairs…there are many, many shows which had/have worse writing than this show.

Better. Definitely better than last week. I'll be sticking around for sure.

Based on the commentary on social media and other discussion boards, the ratings for next week will be in the 1-2 millions because it was so so BORING (sarcasm). Oh well, I'll be one of those few million :)

I'm not sure I want her to have issues. This is someone for who, a zombie apocalypse is the absolute last thing she'd expect as she's pretty much planned her life down to every detail from here on out. The zombies are definitely going to throw a big wrench to that so I'll be interested in seeing how she's going to

I'm with you on this, definitely like the spin off more than the original. Watched the main show through to the end of S1 and I couldn't take anymore. I hear it's gotten better so I might go back to it.

My people!

No Rick Grimes. That's already a major bonus for me

If they really want me to watch this show they'd make it about Mockingbird (because I've loved Adrianne Palicki since her FNL days)+ FitzSimmons. I don't care about Hunter so him being included has decreased my interest.

Yup. Like a scene out of The Lion King except Simba was much more likable than Frank.

A weird/disappointing ending to a weird/disappointing season

You're not alone! We can create a mini fan club for them here on the AV Club :)