
Walmart? I hear they're pretty good…

Seriously though, this episode was made of pure win. Olenna & Varys, Tywin & Cersei, Margaery playing Joeffrey like a fiddle, the Night Watch (RIP Mormont), Dany (mother of dragons and owner of my heart), Jaime & Brienne & finally Theon (the poor fuck). I'm going to be re-watching this episode over and over again

Dracarys muthafakah!

I read the books a long time ago and when the show started I never bothered to re-read them. I'm glad I didn't because now I *almost* feel like a newbie every time I watch an episode and it helps me remember things I had completely forgotten about.

The best scene of the entire episode right here. Honestly, any time Henry has a "bright" idea the show should have Regina swoop in and magic away Henry's plan.

I gotta say the comment section is much more entertaining than the actual show.

I like it. It would explain my inherent hate for Henry/James Franco. All Henry needs now is a dose of pretension and we're set!

So Chris Colfer wrote and starred in a movie about…Chris Colfer?

You're welcome. I like to spread joy (or fantasies) everywhere I go;)

You're welcome. I like to spread joy (or fantasies) everywhere I go;)

I gotta say I chuckled a little when I read the dubstep line.

I gotta say I chuckled a little when I read the dubstep line.

I dunno if she's completely accepted Nick's story just yet. If Jill Flint is coming back (is she coming back? Her and Amanda Peet recurring would give me joy) then it obviously means that there's more to it than just Nick's word. On the other hand, Kalinda just said she finds it difficult to let go of him so she's

I dunno if she's completely accepted Nick's story just yet. If Jill Flint is coming back (is she coming back? Her and Amanda Peet recurring would give me joy) then it obviously means that there's more to it than just Nick's word. On the other hand, Kalinda just said she finds it difficult to let go of him so she's

Good. I really liked her in this role and am definitely interested to see what else they'll bring in with her. Maybe more Judge Kuhn?

Good. I really liked her in this role and am definitely interested to see what else they'll bring in with her. Maybe more Judge Kuhn?

Maybe some of the ogres are Uruk-hai! A man can dream….

Maybe some of the ogres are Uruk-hai! A man can dream….

Seriously though, I said it last week and I'll say it again, get rid of this Nick storyline! I don't care if it disappears without a resolution but enough is enough. They're not doing anything with it and the only connection it has with the rest of the show is Kalinda's disappearing acts at work. Nick can gtfo!

Seriously though, I said it last week and I'll say it again, get rid of this Nick storyline! I don't care if it disappears without a resolution but enough is enough. They're not doing anything with it and the only connection it has with the rest of the show is Kalinda's disappearing acts at work. Nick can gtfo!