
I did notice that. Maybe I should've edited my comment to add that I noticed it so it would be more to your liking…

As I was reading the review I kept thinking: where's Jasmine? Not that she was extremely vital to the show but, as you've already stated in your review, it would've been nice to see more of her.

Yes please. I miss Kalinda & Alicia's weekly trips to the bar.

Add me to the list of people who want Will's apartment ASAP!


I'll take your Will Schuester and add his BFF Finn Fucking Hudson!

I wanted to like this a thousand times but can only click it once.

Chris Rock was the only one who got me to laugh (even though his bit was his regular schtick).

Ah yes the Mord'Sith. Cara was my favourite…for obvious reasons. Can we get her on Spartacus? She's an Australian if I remember correctly and they seem to like hiring Australians/New Zealanders.

Fucking A! That is all.

I watched that with my cousin and I wept. It was that terrible.

I usually joke around about this show but this episode solidified why Glee isn't regular viewing for me. I went from sympathetic to offended in about 20 minutes and then realised the episode wasn't over yet. I then became extremely befuddled at why everything felt so RUSHED! Only to realise that we were being set up

He probably will if Illythia decides to abort her baby to get with Varinius and he finds out (probably through Lucretia and the "gods"). Also I agree with you about Illythia being impatient and knowing her, she'll be willing to do something as drastic as killing her baby if she feels she's "running out of time".

I was feeling so alone!!!! Sniff… seriously though I'm kinda done with this show and yes I have read the reviews (kinda makes me look slow doesn't it?).

When this show started, it had such potential. Now though, I'm finding it incredibly dull. Am I the only one feeling this?

I'd just like to thank Kalinda for making my Sunday and proving to me that you're still a sexy badass. All hail Kalinda!

I've learnt to never take things at face value on this show (especially if it's part of the main/season story line) so I think Kalinda didn't just give Will away. It can't be that simple, not on this show.

Mila Kunis
Any of the Evangeline Lily ones

Eh…the show, once upon a time, stated that Quinn was on the honour roll so it's not completely random that her grades plus her previous extra-curriculars would make her think "Yale!" Kinda made the whole "I'll never get out of Lima!" spiel redundant.

I slow-clapped this review.