bunny lebowski


You should include ASS-TO-ASS.

Really, I fucking hated it.

No no no no no, it said "Necrobutcher sucks a FAT dick!"

Don't think about it too deeply. The entire premise defies all known laws of physics and biology.

Have y'all been checking the Smacketology bracket on Grantland? Its the Wire in bracket form, good fun it is. I believe its Bunk vs. McNulty (among others) tonight.

Oh, Indeed

The shape of a banana proves god is ok with homosexuality.

You are a child.

Seconded! Now that could be an interesting film — though I doubt it's enough of a recognizable property for Hollywood to adapt.

Emma Stone too. I just don't understand that shit man. So many girls looked WAY too skinny. Who the fuck finds that desirable? Is it purely fashion designers controlling that? Seriously, who likes to look at "holocaust victims in pageant makeup"? Am I missing something because the ladies always look best in their

In regards to your CancerAids:
Does it hurt, does it hurt?


Dale is probably the outlier here, along with Andrea and T-Dog. But its still easy to see how labor should largely be divided here (along gender-determined lines).

Wellllllllllllll… I think they would need to have a division of labor to make things work. You would want to assign people tasks that best take advantage of their strengths. In this group (and probably most samples of the general population), that would mean Rick, Shane, Dale, Daryl and Glen (who is still capable of

So true. Don't cut your hand! That's the one place you don't want a cut because you'll constantly be irritating it. Anywhere else, really. Definitely not on the thumb either. Ouch!

Culturally, many of the people I've met from Texas I would consider Southerners. But these have pretty much been from San Antonio, Austin and Houston. I think its the accent that links them. Don't get that in New Mexico or Arizona do you?

Several = a few more than a couple.

"ultra-dumb version of The Room." That's pretty dumb right there.