Cursed frogurt

Or the power of…love?

Seems more like you're* not doing it right.

I've seen the movie: Feel free to ask me any dick-related AND non-pubic related questions…

Well, he did use David Bowie's "Young Americans" during the controversial Dogville credits. Ironic use, of course.

Man, was I late for this, or what?

You called? The path to this comment took me two years.

I see from the comments so far very few have an actual interest for this up and rising band. Not that I support the use of the word in any way, shape or form; but I can't help feeling like a hipster because of having liked this band since their second EP.

From the reviews I've read Charlotte Gainsbourg's performance of Joe in the latter half (and the chapters themselves) is increasingly more serious and not as funny and naïvely executed as the first half, making it at times a really depressing film like Melancholia and Antichrist.

I'm tired of these motherfucking leakers of my motherfucking SCRIPT!

*Gasp A country album.

But Big Bang Theory was still nominated. I count that as a win for my pessimism.

He even left it at home with that undisciplined demon-pet of his, resulting in it putting fire marks all over it. What an irresponsible DOUCHE!

Funeral, aye? Only if it's you in a plastic coffin as an installation at the MoMA, Annie.

I think it's sad that von Trier's intended 5 and a half hour cut isn't getting released in the theaters.

I'm really frustrated by the lack of Chelsea Wolfe on end-of-the-year lists with the music press. "Pain Is Beauty" shows great progression and is a fantastic achievement .

You can show yourself out.

I find the whole media circus around this movie to be a really fun treat to behold.

Screw you! I'll start my own town, as well! With blackjack and hookers!

I don't see how some find this to be pretentious. A lot of the songs are really festive from their new album and who doesn't like going to parties all dressed up in a costu…

The killing of "The Killing" kills me as "The Killing" cannot be killed off, but "The Killing" remains far from a killer show.