
this is terrible!
does everyone not realize the implications of this? this means we have to see another horribly unfunny Andy Samberg skit on weekend update where he dresses like Cathy and pulls his hair while yelling AACK!

pretty powerful episode.
you didn't even mention the scenes with the guys out on the false alarm call, when Franco and Black Shawn get into the fight, and Lou lets them before all hell breaks loose with the cops showing up. or even the scenes with Mike and white Sean at the ballet. and the scene with Gavins at the AA

the first time I heard that commercial I wasn't really watching it, because I was messing around on the computer. It vaguely sounded like Stan and Kyle from South Park. I actually thought it was them until i actually watched the commercial. it seems pretty weird but it got about 20 people to discuss it so they must me

yes, i completely agree. that scene was very shocking. of course it could be that Tommy wants to alienate Jimmy and Connor so they don't haunt him anymore.

the ironic thing is his cell mate at Sing Sing will probably make him dress up in the Princess Leia slave girl costume.

cancer guy
as they showed in the previews Cancer guy was the firefighter that told white Sean about the cancer from cleaning up ground zero. he wasn't just a random patient that wanted to escape is my point. that was priceless when he tried to mention irony to mike and sean. I also like the exasperated sigh that

I think the Ellen Page backlash about Juno should be directed more towards Diablo Cody for writing such cutesy hipster dialogue. Page is a pretty good actress. she was great in Hard Candy and Whip it too for that matter

it was funny, but you were right…
it just felt like they just strung things together, and nothing really advanced. but you mentioned that the events happened over Tommy's first few days back. it was clear from Needles comment at the end that it was on his first day back because he congratulated them on doing 35 calls

I think Prokorov of the Nets is a strong contender for Rookie of the year for crazy sports owners.

it might be delayed though, because it is on after Yanks-Phillies, and Yankee games usually last about 4 hours.

yeah, I know what you mean about journey covers being everywhere. I keep seeing this Filipino guy on TV singing Journey songs all the time.

It will be a cold day in hell before I recognize Missoura!

of course, I meant there not their.

idiotking, but the Saints did win the Super Bowl, so their is that.

kind of like Glasgow Celtic and Rangers. Celtic is a Catholic team and Rangers is a protestant club. the fans of the teams aren't even allowed to walk on the same street when the two teams play, for fear that people will get stabbed. you know, we are pretty passionate about sports in the U.S., but Yankees and Red Sox

if anyone should have gotten that, it was me. I still can't get the image of Stan in Panties out of my mind. I did think it was pretty funny that my grandmother who had never seen Family Guy before walked in the room right when they did the Obama monument joke. she aksed what the joke was, and before I could say

when you say Precious…
You mean Fresh Ass: based on the novel Tush by Ass Fire, right?

I am just glad he managed to find time in his busy schedule of playing Tony Blair in 6 movies a year to make a guest appearance on this show.

I looked up 80085 and it said it was in Louisiana somewhere.

Matt Damon played Francois Pienaar the Captain fo the team. oh course in real life, Pienaar is like 6'4" and about 225 pounds. Matt Damon is 5'10 and maybe 180 pounds soaking wet, but he was still good in the movie.