
Time to deploy the Stop The Violence crew to the Middle East. Stetasonic and Just-Ice, mount up.

That's what he gets for marrying that "titties in the yard" chick.

That's what he gets for marrying that "titties in the yard" chick.

You're giving two dead guys way too much credit with the "pioneer" tag.

You're giving two dead guys way too much credit with the "pioneer" tag.

To sum up : Hyden doesn't like a band anymore and you should not either. Ke$ha good, Flaming Lips bad.
Personally, I like Embryonic more than the Soft Bulletin. I think it is, by far, their most ambitious album. And the pre-Bulletin shows I saw blew the hell out of that gimmicky (what? blasphemy!) headphone/Bulletin

To sum up : Hyden doesn't like a band anymore and you should not either. Ke$ha good, Flaming Lips bad.
Personally, I like Embryonic more than the Soft Bulletin. I think it is, by far, their most ambitious album. And the pre-Bulletin shows I saw blew the hell out of that gimmicky (what? blasphemy!) headphone/Bulletin

The connection? Andrew WK sucks. MLP sucks. There.

The connection? Andrew WK sucks. MLP sucks. There.

Yeah, it was definitely a crossing the Rubicon moment. Reminded me of when Duck ditched his dog and turned back to the Tanqueray.

Yeah, it was definitely a crossing the Rubicon moment. Reminded me of when Duck ditched his dog and turned back to the Tanqueray.

Notice how many elevator shots there have been this season? Did you notice when Don hit the elevator button at the office that you couldn't see the door. I didn't know if it was out of service or not or if the door had opened at first.

Notice how many elevator shots there have been this season? Did you notice when Don hit the elevator button at the office that you couldn't see the door. I didn't know if it was out of service or not or if the door had opened at first.

Mr. President enjoys having people for dinner … literally.

Mr. President enjoys having people for dinner … literally.

SHHEEEETTTTT, that's Clay Davis fool!

SHHEEEETTTTT, that's Clay Davis fool!

No, it's "yeah me tew."

No, it's "yeah me tew."

Tink, tank, tonk.