Stupid Fast

M: the old, rich one
B: the black one
K: the fat one, but with kindness, and lots and lots of pie.

for the first time in 20+ years, i have the urge to eat some veal cutlet for dinner.

Any Greatest Dads list without Al Bundy AND Red Foreman isn't a Greatest Dads list at all! Was there a no FOX network shows rule? Al Bundy is a goddamned legend, you hear me?!!

Read Donald Fagen's "Eminent Hipsters" - one highlight of which comes when he refers to the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank as a "toilet" acoustically. Also, several excellent vicious rants about the "TV/Phone Babies" generation.

Lending Last Chance to See to the anthropology professor earned me a passing grade many years ago. He tried to keep the book, too, but no dice on that.

You don't see it, dearest Scrawler, because most of it is camouflage "colors". I'm going to make a huge leap of faith here and suggest your brain automatically ignores hunting related things for sale.
Thank your brain.

You people??

"You have the right to free speech
As long as
You're not dumb enough to actually try it!"

Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.

hey he was alive and approved that vidya game Perfect Day singalong commercial.

How many gazebos do you she males need?

Yes, it has.

He also wrote that Pepsi commercial jingle that Ray Charles did - "You Got the Right One, Baby"….

The Dark KnightMan of Steel Returns vs DayMan!

I love the San Antonio Spurs, by the way, if you're betting on the NBA this year, I think they'll win it all.

i enjoyed the hell out of the levon helm doc, but of course you're right - there's so much material out there, too.

Nobody cared then, and, according to search, nobody cares now, but Terence Trent D'Arby's "Symphony or Damn" was the best record released in 1993.

Prettier than I remember, actually.

Mr. or Ms. @avclub-1eabbfd93f1e38daed0123c3e5f9e57c:disqus -

Doesn't McCartney own these rights?