Stupid Fast

Stanley's Dribble kills me, saw it again the other night on Netflix. Immediately did a search for this. Um, after reading the article. Stanley's "free" hand sticking out behind him like a fin or something…just perfect.
Also Michael trying/of course failing to get some post-basket posturing in after seeing Patrice and

This is my 500 word essay about why I should have the Behind the Candelabra swag. It is about why I should have the Behind the Candelabra swag sent to me at your expense. I should have the Behind the Candelabra swag sent to me at your expense because I
look like a man cut away from the stake, when the fire has

Josh wrote - "The world actually has my mom to thank for….last year’s A.V. Undercover. She had Kansas’ Leftoverture in her groovy ’70s record cabinet."

ha….this is how i will re-phrase my Joan Jett crush from now on;
brunettes who are categorically not interested in me.

She's one of my longest-standing "star" mad-with-desire crushes. That means still is.
and before anybody points out what everybody i tell this to does - that'scoolbutican'thearyoulalalalalalalaalmaryhadalittleLAMBlalalalalalalalala

Exactly. Not to mention, and I'm sorry, I cannot restrain myself - every second of the "remake" that features Deep Roy jabbering incoherently at the camera actively pisses me off. Still. Just thinking about it. 

Do you KNOW how many women I could get if there was a furry blue cookie eating monster hanging out with me at a bar!?!  I'd have to pay bouncers extra for crowd control.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus wins so much we could stop calling it "winning the internet" and just write "Cookie_Monstered It" - around here it would make sense.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus  - i think it goes back to pre-donna reed ways of thinking - if a girl wants to land a man, she can't be all four-eyed type of deal. i think it's fairly obvious now that glasses can make some people look BETTER.

Does a donut in my red '75 Gremlin, and nearly rolls the car coming out of it, yelling "SO LONG, SUCKERS!"

I totally bought in until you threw Modine into that mix. Then I knew there was joshing afoot.


I want to start a kickstarter that involves me getting paid to punch Carlson in the face repeatedly, and pays all the ensuing legal bills.

Owen, in bad Brit accent: Have we got a video?
Vince: I wish one of us were dead so I didn't have to see or hear you.

then the IN THE FUTURE caption is:
Owen: I can't believe I'm still alive!
Vince: I really did waste my career on too many crappy movies.

Get your mom a good divorce lawyer and she won't need to work. That, or start selling whatever else the man still owns, starting with his car.

Also, before he became famous, Paul Dano used a Louisville Slugger to kill a man.

Bateman must be heightening. Or they put James Lipton's head on a small gorillas' body.

I have yet to re-watch the following scene, but unless I had over-partaken by that point in the binge watch, it seemed like they super-imposed Lipton's head on a smaller man's body  when the four of them are doing the hallway-walk thing. The dude is like 5'9 and he was the shortest of them by far….? Or is that

They'll just build some more condo-islands on the Hudson if space becomes too precious.