When the Kenny Rogers racing movie that came out a year earlier (Six Pack) is more fun to watch than a Burt & Hal production, something is very wrong indeed.
When the Kenny Rogers racing movie that came out a year earlier (Six Pack) is more fun to watch than a Burt & Hal production, something is very wrong indeed.
the fuck is wrong with dinosaurs?
the fuck is wrong with dinosaurs?
Yes, @avclub-1d9611114f69a2af507810370562ccd6:disqus - that was pretty much a gem, season's pass awarded here as well, almost to the point where I'm thinking about listening to this new album. I probably won't, but it's been considered.
Yes, @avclub-1d9611114f69a2af507810370562ccd6:disqus - that was pretty much a gem, season's pass awarded here as well, almost to the point where I'm thinking about listening to this new album. I probably won't, but it's been considered.
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seems like an appropriate place to put this - it is not mine, nor do i celebrate it except as the hilarious christmas greeting one pop star sent to his fans:
seems like an appropriate place to put this - it is not mine, nor do i celebrate it except as the hilarious christmas greeting one pop star sent to his fans:
In NJ if you order fries with gravy, it's brown gravy. Some add cheese on top, and some places call that a "Disco".
In NJ if you order fries with gravy, it's brown gravy. Some add cheese on top, and some places call that a "Disco".
Amen! To Mr. Keller and the Taylor Ham! (& yes, the crispier you get it, the less spam-y, smoky-better taste emerges; as a result, refuse any that are nuked in a microwave - a grill is the only acceptable production method.) Peer into any decent bagel shop between 7 and 9 AM and you will see good line of all…
Amen! To Mr. Keller and the Taylor Ham! (& yes, the crispier you get it, the less spam-y, smoky-better taste emerges; as a result, refuse any that are nuked in a microwave - a grill is the only acceptable production method.) Peer into any decent bagel shop between 7 and 9 AM and you will see good line of all…
for the 2nd and 3rd time this Fall i totally agree with @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus - should i be worried? i think bird is delicious but any hint of bone or other bird like appearance puts me off of it…..even cartilage.
also, @Juan_Carlo:disqus 's views are not that uncommon from most farm folk…
for the 2nd and 3rd time this Fall i totally agree with @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus - should i be worried? i think bird is delicious but any hint of bone or other bird like appearance puts me off of it…..even cartilage.
also, @Juan_Carlo:disqus 's views are not that uncommon from most farm folk…
Please, invest your money in that, @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus - what's your last name, Misanthrope? ALL of the best people I know (and therefore, on the planet) are "dog" people. ALL of the selfish useless self-centered asshole grown-ups I know hate or are indifferent towards dogs. I'm not going…
Please, invest your money in that, @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus - what's your last name, Misanthrope? ALL of the best people I know (and therefore, on the planet) are "dog" people. ALL of the selfish useless self-centered asshole grown-ups I know hate or are indifferent towards dogs. I'm not going…
He's a lumberjack and he's OK !
He's a lumberjack and he's OK !
@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus - we get it, you don't laugh at the comedy. Why do you feel the need to flap yer fingertips about it in an article clearly designed to bring joy to fans and those THAT LAUGH AT STUFF AND AREN'T INSUFFERABLE DOUCHEBAGS?