citizen christy

Just saw the episode with Marshall making a giant print of his face yesterday. It's my favorite of the Zoey storyline, Blitz aside, because Kyle Maclachlan is at his creepy best.

Well, this was delightful. I figured tonight was the Barney and Robin night, and I was on board with the long con already, and I'd resigned myself to the fact that I'd be weeping by the end of the night. Fortunately, it was a well earned weep. I've been fond of the Barney and Robin romance for a few seasons now, and

Well, this was delightful. I figured tonight was the Barney and Robin night, and I was on board with the long con already, and I'd resigned myself to the fact that I'd be weeping by the end of the night. Fortunately, it was a well earned weep. I've been fond of the Barney and Robin romance for a few seasons now, and

The day we all forgave HIMYM for Zoey.

The day we all forgave HIMYM for Zoey.

Me too! My husband said "His Larry David is dead on," and I had literally no idea it wasn't Larry David before that.

Me too! My husband said "His Larry David is dead on," and I had literally no idea it wasn't Larry David before that.

And the feet collection, that too.

And the feet collection, that too.

I've been maintaining in TVD-based discussions (of which I have many) that someone has to die this year, and it's going to have to be Tyler. Everyone else is either a little more or a little less essential than he is.

I've been maintaining in TVD-based discussions (of which I have many) that someone has to die this year, and it's going to have to be Tyler. Everyone else is either a little more or a little less essential than he is.

I thought he was going to die tonight, so, there's one break.

I thought he was going to die tonight, so, there's one break.

Mr. Citizen thinks that maybe they CGI'd those guns in. I counter that we have never seen Jeremy shirtless.

Mr. Citizen thinks that maybe they CGI'd those guns in. I counter that we have never seen Jeremy shirtless.

Joseph Morgan nailed every single moment he was on screen, from post modern painting and hybrid slaughter to heartbreaking speeches about being dreadfully alone. So glad the writers recognize his strength as an actor and allowed him to take the spotlight tonight.

Joseph Morgan nailed every single moment he was on screen, from post modern painting and hybrid slaughter to heartbreaking speeches about being dreadfully alone. So glad the writers recognize his strength as an actor and allowed him to take the spotlight tonight.

Is that series any good? I (obviously) adore TAS but I'm hesitant to watch anything else.

Is that series any good? I (obviously) adore TAS but I'm hesitant to watch anything else.

He can't possibly have anything else to do, although I know he was doing some voice work a few years ago.