
This is worse grade inflation than Harvard. The episode bombed throughout, and the audience was falling asleep by mid-show.
At least we can look forward to next week's with Fallon and JT.


That episode also had the brilliant 'Old French Whore' gameshow.

I wish you could 'dislike' comments.

Too bad, I always preferred your analysis every week (most of which I usually agree with), over the hundreds of dumb comments just quoting lines and plot points from an episode we all just watched 40 minutes ago.

Along those lines, wasn't the stripper/waitress tonight the same one as a few seasons ago?

Agree, it seems the show has been coasting on auto-pilot since S1-2 ended, and I don't really look forward to it anymore.  Little creativity and laugh out loud moments.


Not on the AV Club, where even this season of Community was consistently receiving Bs.

"Target Lady, and The Lawrence Welk Show, and Garth and Kat, and Gilly (thankfully just a cameo). Penelope didn’t make it,"

The Dwight-commissioned paintings were hilarious as well, especially the formal one of him and cousin Mose.

We all like Community (or used to at least), but calling it  "the best, most interesting, most complex show on TV" is really a stretch.

It's been a great year for songs in which people yell "HEY".

at least we'll get some summertime fun ideas by Stefon.

This was a great review Todd, thanks!

"The P. Diddy mouth-shutter scene, which veered a bit too far into stereotype caricature."

So glad you're back, I wish AV Club would have you do the reviews sometime.

I agree, especially with that hack ending scene of Jeff's sappy text to and hug of Britta.  It seemed so out of place with how Community has always been in the past.

