Admiral Neck

::fistbump:: I've been beating myself up on Twitter about being rude to you. I really don't like being that confrontational on the Nets, so thanks for letting me off the hook.

Fuck, Whitey, I was trying to avoid UitA spoilers with subterfuge!

tl;dr (These posts never look that big in the tiny window.)

What will he do now that he is… "grounded." Geddit?
Perhaps I went into this with expectations set too high (Capone from AICN and Drew McWeeny were talking it up like the movie of the century), but the end result was not what I had hoped. Yet another movie extolling the virtues of being connected to everyone around

I'd say there was one big surprise toward the end of the movie, but unfortunately, for it to work, a character has to suddenly turn a 180 and become a heartless asshole (trying to be vague here but not doing a good job).

I Heart Huckabees is fantastic.

The two parts are just over two hours. It comes to about 4 hours twenty, or something.

Best moment in cinema this year. Easily.

I love you.

Re: button-mashing avoidance, you're almost certainly right. The short trial-run I had was generally baffling, at times like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time, so the slippery crossfader seems like a bit of overkill, but yeah, once you've spent time with it, none of that will matter.

The crossfader is the thing that bugged me most when I tried this out a couple of weeks ago. The central default position is not delineated clearly enough, so it's easy to push it too far and ruin your score. I'm sure with time it'll become easier to use, but as it is, it made that first attempt really

The series that accompanied the book — The Crazy Rulers of the World — is fantastic too. It's not available on DVD, sadly, though it is on the net, if you know where to look. The scene in Goats with Clooney using the Terminator on McGregor is just like the scene in the show where Ronson gets tortured (on a base, not

The balance of serious and funny in Ronson's book is spot on, with much of it dealing with weird and unpleasant torture techniques used on prisoners. In this movie, the grinding of gears when it shifts from wacky to serious is deafening, and only seems to be there to give Bridges, Clooney and McGregor an antagonist to

It's the only movie adaptation of PKD that captures the haphazard madness of his prose.

Used to joke…
…that FNL made me cry every week, but this is now exactly what is happening. It's Kyle Chandler. As soon as he gets super-sincere and activates his Stirring Speech voice, I start to blub. It's getting ridiculous. When Riggins showed up? It started then! He didn't even activate the voice!

Jim O'Rourke is the Hipster Jesus
He's had a hand in so much incredible, influential music over the last twenty years, changing the landscape, what we listen to and what we want to listen to, that he needs some kind of medal or trophy or something. I would make it, but I'm crap at that kind of thing.

Cat's Eye was directed by Lewis Teague (who also gave us Cujo and Alligator), and had three stories, first two based on King stories and the third written by King for the movie: James Woods quitting smoking (shades of Thinner), Robert Hays walking on a ledge around a building to placate a mob goon, and Drew Barrymore

@Felt Pelt:

@taiwanjason, believe me, people have disputed the shit out of that suggestion, as I've found to my cost. I remain resolute in my love of it, though.

The final episode of Twin Peaks. Dale Cooper trapped in the Black Lodge. Never got over it.