
Now do the Cabbage Patch.. you know you want to :)

If eye rolling and snarkiness is Roxxxy having a good attitude, how would she be when she has a bad attitude. 

Sounds fantastic @avclub-6d5d996d25deefba0841214457ef8ef5:disqus Hopefully I'll get a chance to see her live one day.

Thanks for the link.  That was wonderful.  I watched the other videos from the same event as well.  Ivy Winters is much better than I thought.  I haven't seen any videos of Ivy singing live, she's always lip synching.

It seems like season 3 really went more with "look" than personality.

el generalissimo? Yes, you are the only one :)

To me, that was one of the worst runway looks.  Maybe if the sombrero was bigger and more special? It was too much Tijuana swap meet realness in a bad way.

lols, instead of the Crying Game, maybe next season they'll have a I'll Have What She's Having Game

Glad Jinkx didn't have the classic Dia de los Muertos makeup. There's a softer twist to it that is very pretty.  I just didn't like the striped socks :)

Thanks. It's great to hear from people who have seen the shows, not just of Jinkx but also of the other queens. What did she sing?

Patty the daytime hooker actress was also in Breaking Bad, right? The junkies with the atm machine?

lols, Jinkx said on her facebook that she didn't know she cried so much.

Hmm, don't know why she had to say 'not my type' To me, Ivy is better looking as a boy but Jinkx is better looking as a girl.

Ivy will make matching costumes for the rescue puppies too right? :)

We were promised some kai kai but did we get it yet?

Hmmph, that's what most people who came off looking bad in reality shows say.   Her words weren't dubbed. They came out of her mouth, right?  Of course it's possible for editing to make someone look worse but she said lots and lots of stuff, week after week.  The editors didn't have to work very hard.

I want to tell Jinkx she is wasting her time trying to give logical arguments to Coco but kinda glad she stuck to it rather than keeping silent because Coco did sort of apologize or backtrack.

That sounds good too.  I was thinking of classic Mexican chili relleno - fire roasted chile, stuffed with jack cheese, dipped in fluffy egg white batter, deep fried to golden brown, ranchero sauce on top of a burger… LOLs I'm now thinking of SNL Taco Town.

Sorry Woodhouse but that is my least favorite line in this fantastic episode.  Go back to eating your bowl of spider webs, please.

Seriously, chile relleno on a freshly ground burger sounds fantastic.