Stillborn Again Christian

Even someone who bats .500 can hit some legendary home runs.

< em > is preferred.

< em > is preferred.

"Just an inflammation of the tear duct… nothing sinister."

"Just an inflammation of the tear duct… nothing sinister."

Many, Many Others has really done downhill since their bassist quit.

Many, Many Others has really done downhill since their bassist quit.

I don't even know who's kidding and who's not anymore.

I don't even know who's kidding and who's not anymore.

You see, there wasn't any air in that maintenance room. For security purposes.

You see, there wasn't any air in that maintenance room. For security purposes.

This is the correct response.

This is the correct response.

That was added with some ADR for the DVD release. By George Lucas.

That was added with some ADR for the DVD release. By George Lucas.

I cannot stop laughing at this.

I cannot stop laughing at this.

And he does not care who knows it.

And he does not care who knows it.

That is the greatest photo of Stallone on earth, maybe the greatest photo, period.