Stillborn Again Christian

You really don't need to see it. It's painfully bad, not hilariously bad.

There simply aren't enough "likes."

That should help, because Love will undoubtedly be writing it backward.

This is the new "Kill Your TV," isn't it?

Also loved the book, but I feel like the biggest hurdle in making this will be capturing Oskar's voice, and I doubt they'll be able to clear it.

This is funny because it is a play on the title of a movie that also happened to star Dane Cook and be completely horrible.

Changing Danes
Rotten In Danemark
Mind of Mencia

What would a comedy book by Andy Rooney be called?

If they're going to start making us officially pay for the glasses instead of ostensibly paying for them, they should separate it into two different charges. That way, everyone who remembers to keep the glasses can save a boatload.

I believe it's "No truth-handler, you!"

Someone go register "Area Hookee," quick.

I'm with the cheese.

You will always be a hero to me, idiotking. Because of this, of course, and because you have what is and forever will be one of the best avatars.

Perhaps your professors should acquaint themselves with a greater god.

I would like to disagree with both of you. That is all.

If there's one thing AMC needs, it's more turtleneck thrillers. I for one, am looking forward to It's Chilly In Here.

I don't want to shock you, but watching TV is not the only way you can spend your time. So really, for me to not give up on it, this show would have to be better than at least 50% of everything else I could be doing for 30 minutes on Sunday night.

Big Screen Movie Laugh Time For Cars

Why does that bum you out? He's insane.

There are fine, upstanding ones?