Elitist Trash.

Seem them twice, once in a fairly large bar with about 30 people and once in a wretchedly tiny bar with 100+. Awesome both times.

No, money down!

You don't have to stop, you just have to make them a particularly strong demonstration

Well, Skyrim has a much larger problem with its in-game, political and systemically (literally) coded* ethics. It doesn't make sense, for instance, that you can be a member of both the Thieves' Guild and the Dark Brotherhood as one has a much different relationship with killing than the other, and the prohibition of

@avclub-6e3b2cb658a36cff9d66c3371c46c4a6:disqus It's Spike Lee's acknowledgement that racism is too complex an issue to direct your physical anger at any one party involved, even the oppressors, because they all have their own psychological motivations that may or may not be their own fault. And the act of destroying

That's just, duh, in general how you play Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout: New Vegas/Skyrim. I steal the sheriff of Megaton's hunting rifle after he's dead.

Tom Cruise has a respectable filmography:

I'm almost unjustifiably excited to see this movie! I think Tron Legacy is criminally underrated and Joseph Kosinski has the budding potential to be an important visual stylist for the future. (Especially as the lines between video game and cinema aesthetic blend as we push into 3D, "immersive" experiences, and

The Empire (read: Thalmor) can't and won't stifle Talos worship within a region as huge as Skyrim, as evidenced by the volume of shrines out in the middle of nowhere. Hell, even the Jarl of Solitude has you go make an offering to Talos, and you learn that the Jarl of Whiterun still worships Talos in secret. So the

Jungle Fever, though, now that's a racist movie

Nope, Mookie throws the trash can through the window because you can't kill a building.

Although I'd be hard-pressed to find anything short of a dismissively negative opinion of Tyler Perry among the critics I read.

A) You can have unprotected sex with, and contract HIV from, a coupled partner. Just ask the gay community.

In all seriousness this is one of the best things I've ever read on the AV Club. Long, well-sourced and cited, cleanly argued; and it resists pop cultural self-insulation.

nothing can be effectively streamed without compression

Then show me movies about sex workers or sexual assault victims. I'm talking about a specific brand of film in which basic sexuality is irredeemable and empty, not systems of sex or sex-as-power or sexual oppression. Hell, even in Ken Park they had that liberating threesome at the end.

I'm sick of all these movies about how ****empty**** casual sex is. Shame is a gussied-up after-school special that veers into homophobia, the Male Gaze, and absolute silliness (he fails to heed the suicidal pleas of a woman because he's SO ENTHRALLED WITH PORN) in its alarmism about casual sex, and this doesn't seem

Just you wait for the Panic! At the Disco reunion

This was the best scene in Infinite Jest

Paramore was never emo; they were pop punk filtered through Preteen Christian Confusion.