Elitist Trash.

The ones I've actually heard
Teen Daze: Pretty good chillwave, which is a term I fucking hate. I like them, though.

Yeah, Beefheart's collection of tinpan alley-inspired bluegrass and ragtime is really something to hear.

I hate every chimp I see
From chimpan-A to chimpanzee

I dunno, if you hear "Ghost" and don't have some sort of existential epiphany you may not be human. Sorry Warren!

Aw yeah

Kiedis's lyrics are fine in the silly RHCP stuff. Give It Away, etc. But when he tries to get serious, he really is awful. Under the Bridge is just a bad song.

The Muffs
Thanks to a copy of the Clueless soundtrack I found lying around, I'm now borderline obsessed with the Muffs. 90s pop punk in general, really.

I've seen a whole lot of NMH pop up on the internet lately for some reason. StumbleUpon led me to a NMH publicity photo the other day.

Year's not over, man.

I championed that thing from the start. "Amazing" is…

Legion is really, really bad, but the more I think about it the more I think it was on purpose. Dennis Quaid is a scenery-chewing mavin in the movie.

duhhhhhhhhh I dunno what mud has to do with movies, George

I actually really like Hot Tub Time Machine. It's got some flaws — the beginning and end are both awful, and the MPDG is annoying — but it's a funny movie. And Crispin Glover's character is awesome. And the scene where the frat boy quotes Red Dawn is awesome. And you know what? Hot Tub Time Machine is awesome.

Rush = Abba w/ dungeon masters

Cut the snark for just one night, guys
Tom Waits is in the fucking Hall, and that's cool.

If only they'd be kicked out of music
Am I right?

The production values only matter on the club shit, which is terrible anyway. The best material is the lyrically introspective stuff. Besides, No Mercy has great production from The-Dream and Welcome to the World is a Kanye track.

Yeah, and it ripped his flow apart. He doesn't sound like himself half the time. It's odd.

Half this album is incredible
Welcome to the World, No Mercy, Get Back Up, Castle Walls, That's All She Wrote….all fantastic. Most everything else is total nonsense. Poppin' Bottles is straight-up awful. But man, this album is almost totally redeemed by how great it is at the beginning.

/laughs like the Joker