Elitist Trash.

In defense of John Bender
He was the only character in The Breakfast Club who was aware of his faults and openly admitted to them, and was certainly the only character ever granted the right or power to be comfortable with himself as a person (a lot like Duckie in Pretty in Pink). Everyone else ran from their

Sorry I'm late guys

Toys in the Attic?
More like old men in the photo pit

The cock bucket

I heard that he's the mothafucka that ya read about. And that taking a life or two, that's what the hell he….does.

Gangsta Gangsta is three fucking verses of awesome from Cube.

But today you don't even have to use your AK. I gotta say…

Hey kids, remember:
Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money.

Lucky Old Sun is a damn fine pop record.

Gossip Girl had some credibility for a little while, so it's not like it's a complete travesty. It's a self-aware show.

Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin ta fuck wit

How dare you not ask about Archer
Seriously, "Homeboy McJewerson"?


I really want the Anchorhead scenes. Make this happen, George Lucas.

hellblazer something something

Personal foul. Unsportsmanlike comment. 15 yards, repeat the down.

For many years, Lucas dictated to his writers what the story would be. Which is why, when there was all that uproar — spoiler alert — about Chewbacca's death, the writer had to clarify that the decision was not up to him.

Maybe Jedi was Lucas's Apocalypse Now. After Apocalypse, Ford completely lost his filmmaking touch. Same happened to Lucas after Jedi. Both films take place largely in forests. Both films feature mythical, godlike leaders. Both films feature celebratory festivals. Both films feature primitive native peoples.

According to the expanded universe, the stormtroopers weren't clones. By that point, it had become to expensive to continue to produce clone soldiers, so the Empire instituted a draft.