Sir Oinks-A-Lot

Don't care about Zoe, but Leon would have been great. Does the actor have a regular gig somewhere?

I am the world's only non-Toboni-fan. The character concept is a good one, but Toboni's style is to emote only slightly more than a real person would, in stark contrast to most of the rest of the cast, who are hamming hard. It makes her seem kind of wooden. Maybe she's going for stoic badass? Doesn't work for me.

I've started skimming lately, and as always at AV Club, the comments are more than 50 percent of the draw. The point I was trying to make was that I'd really like to read good reviews, rather than dispirited, boring ones. Either engaged reviews from someone who actually enjoys the show (while still criticizing its

One of Kirkman's biggest charms is that so many of his characters are super-chatty and explain their inner thoughts and motivations in detail. This sounds like (is) the opposite of what most people would consider good writing, but Kirkman pulls it off in fine style. As you say, this is probably hard or impossible to

Zack, you really need to stop reviewing TWD. I get that it's a job, but ask for another show. It would be one thing if you were hate-watching it and regaling us with witty zingers, but mostly you're just recycling the same complaints, specifically that the
show is too bleak and nihilistic.

Pycelle: Uh, your grace, that isn't-
Cersei: Do as I say!

Ultimately, there was no Victor.

Not in looks obviously, but for personality Trump is clearly Cersei.

In the books Jon starts at 14 and expert guesstimates are that about three years have passed so far. In the show, he starts at 17, and time is even more vague… Apparently, the show's wiki assumes a year per season, which seems wrong, but would make Jon 22. Kit Harington is now 29.

In the quasi-medieval world of GoT, she could realistically be betrothed to Jon in 2-3 years, married in 5 or 6. Especially book-Jon, who's only… whatever he is as of DwD. Late teens? Maybe as young as 16?

Many fans strongly believe that they were married, since 1. Targaryens practice bigamy and Elia was incapable of bearing any more children, 2. Stationing Kingsguard at the ToJ supports the theory that Rhaegar saw L&J as wife and heir rather than mistress and bastard.

It might matter to Dany. She's all about the righteousness, and if someone persuades her that Jon's claim trumps hers by the Targaryen family's rules of succession, she could well accept it. On the other hand, she wants to be queen, and I don't think Jon wants to be king. If he decides Dany is more benevolent than

You mean she wasn't in the thick of the battle, biting people's throats out and stabbing them in the face?

It would have been a great twist, but only if Jon had stayed dead. There could have been all this classic lost prince foreshadowing, and then he dies and the real lost prince is the swamp girl that's been quietly sidekicking for another character.

In the books, it's possible that Howland may have been closer to Lyanna than to Ned (if Lyanna was the Knight of the Laughing Tree). Also in the books, Meera and Jon are about the same age, and Bran is a little younger, though the show has gone away from that.


I'm assuming that R+L=J is correct, and I strongly suspect that actual marriage was involved, but I don't know how that would affect his status. If he is legitimate, is he legally considered both T and S, or just one?

Upvoted for "Easteros".

I disagree. We're meant to be creeped out a bit by Sansa's little smile, and worried by Ramsay's comment that he's part of her now. This was revenge, not justice.

As I posted in the review thread, I think people aren't always that rational. It's just as plausible that what people in the North will focus on was that Jon came back from the dead and executed the traitors who murdered him, then single-handedly charged an opposing army trying to save his brother (and theoretical